
Where your finances rise from the ashes, just like a phoenix.

Primary LanguageJava

PhoenixFunds API

Where your finances rise from the ashes, just like a phoenix.

Business Functionalities

Account Initialization:

  • When a user registers, their account should be initialized with an initial balance, which can be set to zero or a predefined amount.
  • Implement a notification service to inform user, the account initialized
  • Account could be any type of currency

Deposit Functionality:

  • Users should be able to deposit funds into their accounts. Specify the allowed deposit methods (e.g., credit card, bank transfer, etc.).
  • Implement validation checks to ensure the deposited amount is valid and within defined limits.
  • Provide a confirmation mechanism for successful deposits.
  • Implement a notification service to inform user, the account got a deposit

Withdrawal Functionality:

  • Users should be able to withdraw funds from their accounts.
  • Specify withdrawal methods and limits.
  • Implement validation checks to ensure the withdrawal amount is valid and within available balance limits.
  • Provide a confirmation mechanism for successful withdrawals.
  • Implement a notification service to inform user, the a withdraw initialized

Transaction History:

  • Maintain a transaction history for each user, including details such as transaction type (deposit/withdrawal), amount, date, and any relevant transaction ID.
  • Users should be able to retrieve their transaction history.
  • Users should be able to retrieve their transaction detail by transaction id.

Balance Inquiry:

  • Users should be able to check their current account balance at any time.
  • Ensure that the balance returned is accurate and reflects the latest transactions.
  • Include a timestamp in balance inquiry responses to indicate the last update time.

[DRAFT] Exchange Functionality:

  • User should be able to exchange currencies between accounts
  • In each exchange there should be a withdrawal, deposit and exchange records
  • When user exchange currencies if there is a applicable tax then there should be a separate withdraw record

Security Aspect


  • Sending to much account create request with same data in order to break down database
  • Trying to withdraw money than is in the account
  • Sending same deposit request in order to increase my account balance

Technical Side


[GET]  accounts/                                        //returns all the account user has
[GET]  accounts/:account-id/                            //returns specific account
[POST] accounts/                                        //creates new acount
[POST] accounts/:account-id/withdraw                    //creates a withdraw request
[POST] accounts/:account-id/deposit                     //creates a deposit request
[GET]  accounts/:account-id/history                     //returns account history
[GET]  accounts/:account-id/history/:transaction-id     //returns specific account transaction

Tech Stack

  • Java Spring
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTTP Rest and gRPC endpoints
  • Redis

Must have

  • Integration tests
  • Unit Tests
  • Dockerfile
  • Docker compose file local environment
  • Other microservice integration (like notification, auth service etc. as a mock just log the request actually send it)