
MERN+Web3+Solidity based decentralized parking system built on Ropsten Etherem Test net

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Decentralized, Ethereum based Parking System

This App is live at Eth-Parking

built with

  • Web3.0
  • Solidity
  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB

How to run

  1. In Server, execute npm install and then npm start
  2. In Server, execute npm install and then npm start

How to use app

  1. For Parking vehicle, you will click Park A Vehicle
    Create new account, get Ropsten addresses, get balance in that using Ropsten Faucets

  2. For Creating Parking lot, you will click Create a Parking lot

Create new account, get Ropsten addresses, get balance in that address using Ropsten Faucets


Owner Dashboard

Owner Dashboard

Owner Dashboard - Create Lot

Create Lot

User/Driver Dashboard - Available lots before parking

Available lots

User/Driver Dashboard - Available lots after parking

Available lots