Setting up an AWS ECS cluster using Terraform

The following project deploys an ECS cluster to AWS.

If you worked through Part 1 you will have a base project that this project builds on top of.

Using the base project is not required, however in internal Route53 zone will need to be created externally, as well as a working AWS VPC with subnets and internet connectivity.

The way that we organise Terraform projects is to start from a base project and then build of the top of that. This project is built on top of the base project and a following project will build on top of this one.


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Setting up

Helper script

Within the project I have written a helper script called, it is very simple but will ensure that you always use the correct workspace with the accompanying variables file. It can be use like this:

It also uses an AWS profile matching the workspace name.

./ plan prod

The above example will run a terraform plan on the prod workspace. It looks in the workspace-variables directory for a variable file called prod.tfvars, the same name as we used for the workspace.

The is very basic and currently does not support extra parameters. Basic useage of terraform plan, apply and destroy work fine.

If you don't want to use the run script, you can see the command that we use to run terraform in the script itself.


As mentioned above, we provide and override variables with a file matching the name of our workspace in the workspace-variables directory. An example would look like this:

zone_name = "oculo"
ecs_cluster_name = "services"

vpc_id = "vpc-example"
availability_zones = "ap-southeast-2a,ap-southeast-2c"
subnet_ids = "subnet-example1,subnet-example2"
cidr_blocks = ""

Deploying our infrastructure

./ plan yourworkspacename

If this all works as expected with no errors you can then apply the changes.

./ apply yourworkspacename

You should see something like the following:

Apply complete! Resources: x added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

Continuing on

To deploy a service to your new cluster, see this project.