
Exports drama list from MyDramaList.com as a .tsv file

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python script to export drama lists from MyDramaList.com without the need for an API key.

Table of Contents



Python >3.6 (Jump to First-time Users for a more detailed guide)


Installation can be done either by downloading the files directly from GitHub (Code -> Download ZIP) or by cloning it

git clone https://github.com/arifer612/exportMDL

After cloning the source files, you may want to make sure that the required dependencies have been installed with

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Exporting your drama list

python3 exportMDL.py

Optional arguments you may use:

-f --filename <filename>                    Specifies the filename for the export file

-o --only <category1,category2...>          Specifies list category. Categories MUST be separated by a comma without spaces
-e --exceptions <excption1,exception2...>   Specifies list category exceptions. Exceptions MUST be separated by a comma without spaces.
            The available category options are: (watching, completed, hold, drop, plan_to_watch, not_interested)
-h --help                                   Shows the help pages


python3 exportMDL.py -f ShowsWatched -o watching,completed

Saves the 'Currently Watching' and 'Completed' lists as ShowsWatched.tsv

python3 exportMDL.py -f MainDramaList -e not_interested

Saves everything on your drama list except for those that are marked under the 'Not Interested' list as MainDramaList.tsv


Set the save directory for the export file in exportMDL.ini as in the following manner:

log = C:\Desktop

Set login details in exportMDL.ini as in the following manner:

username = user@email.com
password = P@sSw0rd

You may opt to leave these blank.

Importing export file

The drama list will be exported as a .csv file. It should be directly importable without a need for a complicated import process. You may choose to import the files onto your local data management software such as Excel, LibreOffice Calc, or Google Sheets.

Using Microsoft Excel

When importing into Microsoft Excel, I highly recommend that you do not use the default import manager. Instead, start with a fresh sheet and under the Data Ribbon, choose to import "From Text/CSV". An import manager will pop up, just okay it and you're done.

Microsoft Excel Ribbon

Using Google Sheets

When importing into Google Sheets, the import manager will pop up to query the necessary import rules. You can import it with the default rules:

Google Sheets

Using LibreOffice Calc

When importing using LibreOffice Calc, the import manager will pop up to query the necessary import rules. Use the following rules:

LibreOffice Calc

First-time Users

If this is your first time using Python, I recommend you fohttps://i.imgur.com/nOAuaM8.pngllow the following steps.


Download the latest version of Python here(https://www.python.org/downloads/)


Start the installation and make sure to check the checkbox "Add Python 3.x to PATH" if you are on Windows. Mac and Linux-based users do not need to worry about this

Start terminal

Go into the folder where you have saved the project

  • For Windows users, go into the project folder, hold shift and right click. You will see the following menu. Click on "Open Powershell window here" or "Open Terminal here" Windows
  • For Mac users, right click on the project folder and click on "New terminal at folder"
  • For Linux-based users, cd into the project folder

Input the codes

Once the Powershell/terminal/bash has started, you can start using the codes above. On Windows, it should look something like these: pip python

If you have not set your login details in the configuration file (you can do so through here), you will be prompted to key in your login details like this. Do note that you cannot copy and paste your password into the terminal on Windows. login

Edit the configuration file

To edit config.conf open the file using an editing software such as Notepad for Windows, TextEdit on MacOS, nano on Linux distros

Special consideration for Windows Users

One key point to note that if you are on Windows and only have 1 version of Python installed, you should omit any occurences of '3' in the codes above. For example:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python exportMDL.py