Clone project and do following:
After you have installed dependcies, follow instructions: (Build Projects with Native Code)
- Flow Language Support
- vscode-flow-ide
- Note: You should set workspace preference to disable default syntax validation from Visual Studio Code:
"javascript.validate.enable": false
react-native run-ios
react-native run-android
We use Jest runner for unit tests, and Detox with Jest runner for E2E mobile testing.
yarn test:unit
For updating snapshots:
yarn test:unit:update
For running E2E tests on Android you will need to have installed Android Studio and Android Virtiaul Device - Nexus 5X API 25.
yarn test:ios:debug
yarn test:android:debug
yarn test:ios:release
yarn test:android:release
Information about our systems.
- Backend:
- Mobile:
- Deploys[branch]: develop
- Distribution: HockeyApp staging
- Backend:
- URL: (you can find it in bitrise in ENV VARS)
- Mobile:
- Deploys[branch]: master (or which branch you choose in bitrise)
- Distribution: HockeyApp production
The deployment is done in two steps:
- Tag the commit (for example if you use SourceTree - it is easy to do that there) which you want to deploy
- Select tag (in Bitrise), which you pushed in the previous step
NOTE: For the iOS and Android Bitrise will set version of app regarding the tag.
code-push release-react Oh-My-Green/Nintendo-App-iOS ios -p "./ios/nintendoapp/Info.plist" --targetBinaryVersion "*" --deploymentName Staging --mandatory true --description "Staging iOS update with new bundle"
code-push release-react Oh-My-Green/Nintendo-App-Android android --targetBinaryVersion "*" --deploymentName Staging --mandatory true --description "Staging Android update with new bundle"
CodePush deployment is done automatically on production when you do deploy-production build in Bitrise.