PHPCS Coding Standard 3

Coding Standard for PHPCS WordPress Plugins and Themes. Compatible with WPCS 3.0


  1. PHP 7.4^
  2. Composer

Step 1 : Install Packages

Follow all the steps one by one

(i) Install PHP Code Sniffer

composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"

See other ways to install

(ii) Install WPCS

Run this command to install

composer global config allow-plugins.dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer true
composer global require --dev wp-coding-standards/wpcs:"^3.0"

or run this to upgrade

composer global update wp-coding-standards/wpcs --with-dependencies

See other ways to install

(iii) Install PHPCompatibility

Run this command

composer global require --dev phpcompatibility/php-compatibility

See other ways to install

(iv) Set Environment Paths

For Windows

After installing Composer, it sets up a global bin directory where Composer-installed tools are placed. This directory needs to be added to your system's PATH so that you can run the tools from any command prompt.

  • Search for "Environment Variables" in the Windows Start menu and open the "Edit the system environment variables" option.
  • In the System Properties window, click the "Environment Variables" button.
  • In the "System Variables" section, scroll down and find the "Path" variable. Select it and click the "Edit" button.
  • Click the "New" button and add the path to Composer's global bin directory. The default path is C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin, but - it might vary based on your setup.
  • Click "OK" to close the windows and apply the changes.

For Linux/mac

Composer's global bin directory is usually ~/.composer/vendor/bin. To run Composer-installed tools from any terminal window, you need to ensure that this directory is added to your system's PATH. You can do this by adding the following line to your shell's configuration file (~/.bashrc for Bash users, ~/.zshrc for Zsh users):

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"

After adding the line, save the file and either restart your terminal or run source ~/.bashrc (or source ~/.zshrc for Zsh) to apply the changes.

Step 2 : Configure Installed Paths

Add WordPress Coding Standard and PHPCompatibility paths to PHP_CodeSniffer.

Basic format

phpcs --config-set installed_paths /path/to/wpcs,/path/to/phpextra,path/to/phpcsutils,/path/to/PHPCompatibility

WPCS and PHPCompatibility path will be different on different machines. So try finding the exact location of these two packages.


phpcs --config-set installed_paths C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\phpcompatibility\php-compatibility,C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\phpcsstandards\phpcsextra,C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Roaming\Composer/vendor\phpcsstandards\phpcsutils,C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Roaming\Composer/vendor\wp-coding-standards\wpcs


phpcs --config-set installed_paths ~/.composer/vendor/phpcompatibility/php-compatibility,~/.composer/vendor/phpcsstandards/phpcsextra,~/.composer/vendor/phpcsstandards/phpcsutils,~/.composer/vendor/wp-coding-standards/wpcs

Check installation

phpcs -i

If it shows like this

The installed coding standards are MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR2, PSR12, Squiz, Zend, PHPCompatibility, Modernize, NormalizedArrays, Universal, PHPCSUtils, WordPress, WordPress-Core, WordPress-Docs and WordPress-Extra

Then you have successfully installed WPCS 3 and PHPCompatibility

Step 3 : Configure WPCS in VSCode

i. Install PHPCS VSCode Extension

  • Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
  • ext install shevaua.phpcs

ii. Modify Settings

  • Go to Settings.json (Settings -> Edit in Settings.json)
  • Add this snippet to your JSON file (Modify first)
    "phpcs.enable": true,
    "phpcs.executablePath": "PHPCS_BIN_PATH",
    "phpcs.standard": "WordPress",
    "phpcbf.documentFormattingProvider": true,
    "phpcbf.onsave": false,
    "phpcbf.standard": "WordPress",
    "phpcs.showSources": true,
    "[php]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "persoderlind.vscode-phpcbf"

PHPCS_BIN_PATH and PHPCBF_BIN_PATH is different on different machine. So you have to find the right path of these files.

Linux / MacOS

which phpcs
# Output : /usr/bin/phpcs
which phpcbf
# Output : /usr/bin/phpcbf


where phpcs
# or
where phpcbf

If you have installed PHP_CodeSniffer using composer, your default path should be C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Composer\phpcs and C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Composer\phpcbf

iii. Add RuleSet to your project

  1. Open your project in VSCode and copy the phpcs3.xml file to root of your project as `phpcs.xmlpu
  2. Modify Excludes sections as you need
  3. Update text-domain value in 19 line
  4. [Optional] Add these commands to your project (package.json or composer.json)
	"php-report" : "phpcs . > report.txt",
	"php-format" : "phpcbf ."


phpcs .

To save all report to a file report.txt, type and hit enter



phpcs . > report.txt

Well done. You have successfully installed WPCS in your project. Now you may continue if you want to do more advanced thing with that.

Use a Global RuleSet

If you want to use phpcbf (php code beautifier) for VSCode or from CLI with WordPress Standard, you can follow this hacks.

  1. Copy phpcs3.xml file to root of your machine as phpcs.xml (or somewhere you trust).
  2. Modify the VSCode Settings for a little bit
    "phpcs.enable": true,
    "phpcs.executablePath": "PHPCS_BIN_PATH",
    "phpcs.standard": "/path/to/your/phpcs.xml",
    "phpcbf.documentFormattingProvider": true,
    "phpcbf.onsave": false,
    "phpcbf.standard": "/path/to/your/phpcs.xml",
    "phpcs.showSources": true,
    "[php]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "persoderlind.vscode-phpcbf"

You can use directly phps.xml path instead of the standard name as configuration.

Now you can open a PHP file and right click on mouse -> Format Document to format the php file.

Don't forget to add report.txt to project's .gitignore


These WordPress Coding Standard is generated and maintained by PHPCS Developers.