#AppearanceNavigationController Sample of navigation controller appearance configuration from our blog post.
####Declarative Navigation Bar Appearance Configuration
The last couple of month I’ve been working on an app that required implementation of color changing behavior.
In this app, all users can choose a color for their profile, and the color of the “User Details” navigation bar depends on the avatar. This created a lot of issues in the app development including the need to make a status bar readable on the navigation bar’s background. What’s more, a tool bar in the app can only be visible for users’ friends.
How do you implement color changing features?
A naive approach was to perform the navigation controller appearance configuration in the UIViewController.viewWillAppear:
But with this implementation I shortly found my view controllers full of unnecessary and even odd knowledge, such as navigation bar’s background image names, toolbar’s tint color alpha, and so on. Moreover, this logic was duplicated in several independent classes.
Given this nuicance I decided to refactor UIViewController.viewWillAppear
and turn it into a small and handy tool that could free view controllers from repeated imperative appearance configurations. I wanted my implementation to have a UIKit-like declarative style as UIViewController.preferredStatusBarStyle
. Under this logic, view controllers will be asked the number of questions or requirements that tell them how to behave.
####The principle of work of AppearanceNavigationController
To achieve a declarative behaviour we need to become a UINavigationControllerDelegate to handle push and pop between the view controllers.
In the navigationController(_:willShowViewController:animated:)
we need to ask view controller that is being shown the following questions:
- Do we need to display a navigation bar?
- What color should it be?
- Do we need to display a toolbar?
- What color should it be?
- What style for the status bar is preferred?
Let’s turn it into a Swift’s struct:
public struct Appearance: Equatable {
public struct Bar: Equatable {
var style: UIBarStyle = .Default
var backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 234 / 255, green: 46 / 255, blue: 73 / 255, alpha: 1)
var tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
var barTintColor: UIColor?
var statusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle = .Default
var navigationBar = Bar()
var toolbar = Bar()
You may have noticed that the flags of the navigation bar and toolbar visibility are missing, and here is why: most of the time I didn’t care about the bars appearance. All I needed is to hide them. Therefore, I decided to keep them separate. As you remember, we’re going to “ask” our view controller about the preferred apperance. Let’s implement this as follows:
public protocol NavigationControllerAppearanceContext: class {
func prefersNavigationControllerBarHidden(navigationController: UINavigationController) -> Bool
func prefersNavigationControllerToolbarHidden(navigationController: UINavigationController) -> Bool
func preferredNavigationControllerAppearance(navigationController: UINavigationController) -> Appearance?
Since not every UIViewController
will configure appearance, we’re not going to extend UIViewController
with AppearanceNavigationControllerContext
. Instead, let’s provide a default implementation using protocol extension introduced in Swift 2.0 so that anyone that confroms to the NavigationControllerAppearanceContext
can implement only the methods they are interested in:
extension NavigationControllerAppearanceContext {
func prefersNavigationControllerBarHidden(navigationController: UINavigationController) -> Bool {
return false
func prefersNavigationControllerToolbarHidden(navigationController: UINavigationController) -> Bool {
return true
func preferredNavigationControllerAppearance(navigationController: UINavigationController) -> Appearance? {
return nil
As you may have noticed preferredNavigationControllerAppearance
allows us to return nil
which is useful to interpret as “Ok, this controller doesn’t want to affect the current appearance”.
Now let’s implement the basics of our Navigation Controller:
public class AppearanceNavigationController: UINavigationController, UINavigationControllerDelegate {
public required init?(coder decoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: decoder)
delegate = self
override public init(nibName nibNameOrNil: String?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: NSBundle?) {
super.init(nibName: nibNameOrNil, bundle: nibBundleOrNil)
delegate = self
override public init(rootViewController: UIViewController) {
super.init(rootViewController: rootViewController)
delegate = self
// MARK: - UINavigationControllerDelegate
public func navigationController(
navigationController: UINavigationController,
willShowViewController viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool
) {
guard let appearanceContext = viewController as? NavigationControllerAppearanceContext else {
setNavigationBarHidden(appearanceContext.prefersNavigationControllerBarHidden(self), animated: animated)
setToolbarHidden(appearanceContext.prefersNavigationControllerToolbarHidden(self), animated: animated)
applyAppearance(appearanceContext.preferredNavigationControllerAppearance(self), animated: animated)
// mark: - Appearance Applying
private func applyAppearance(appearance: Appearance?, animated: Bool) {
// apply
####Appearance Configuration
Now it’s time to implement the appearance applying the details:
private func applyAppearance(appearance: Appearance?, animated: Bool) {
if let appearance = appearance {
if !navigationBarHidden {
let background = ImageRenderer.renderImageOfColor(appearance.navigationBarColor)
navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(background, forBarMetrics: .Default)
navigationBar.tintColor = appearance.navigationBarTintColor
navigationBar.shadowImage = appearance.navigationBarDropsShadow ? nil : UIImage()
navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: appearance.navigationBarTintColor
if !toolbarHidden {
forToolbarPosition: .Any,
barMetrics: .Default
toolbar.tintColor = appearance.toolbarTintColor
If the View Controller’s appearance isn’t nil, we need to apply the apprearance differently – just ignore it. Code, that applies the appearance is fairly simple, except ImageRenderer.renderImageOfColor(color)
which returns a colored image with 1x1 pixel size.
####Status bar configuration
Note, that status bar style comes in pair with the Appearance
and not via UIViewController.preferredStatusBarStyle()
. This is because a status bar visibility depends on the navigation bar color brightness, so I decided to keep this “knowledge” about colors in a single place instead of putting it in two separate places.
private var appliedAppearance: Appearance?
private func applyAppearance(appearance: Appearance?, animated: Bool) {
if let appearance = appearance where appliedAppearance != appearance {
appliedAppearance = appearance
// rest of the code
// mark: - Status Bar
public override func preferredStatusBarStyle() -> UIStatusBarStyle {
return appliedAppearance?.statusBarStyle ?? super.preferredStatusBarStyle()
public override func preferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation() -> UIStatusBarAnimation {
return appliedAppearance != nil ? .Fade : super.preferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation()
Since we’re going to use UIKit’s preferred way of Status Bar appearance change, the applied Appearance
needs to be preserved. Also, if there is no appearance applied we’re switching to the default super’s implementation.
####Appearance Update
Obvisouly, the view controller appearance may change during its lifecycle. In order to update the view controller let’s add a UIKit-like method NavigationControllerAppearanceContext
public protocol NavigationControllerAppearanceContext: class {
// rest of the interface
func setNeedsUpdateNavigationControllerAppearance()
extension NavigationControllerAppearanceContext {
// rest of the defaul implementation
func setNeedsUpdateNavigationControllerAppearance() {
if let
viewController = self as? UIViewController,
navigationController = viewController.navigationController as? AppearanceNavigationController
And a corresponding implementation in the AppearanceNavigationController
func updateAppearanceForViewController(viewController: UIViewController) {
if let
context = viewController as? NavigationControllerAppearanceContext
viewController == topViewController && transitionCoordinator() == nil
setNavigationBarHidden(context.prefersNavigationControllerBarHidden(self), animated: true)
setToolbarHidden(context.prefersNavigationControllerToolbarHidden(self), animated: true)
applyAppearance(context.preferredNavigationControllerAppearance(self), animated: true)
public func updateAppearance() {
if let top = topViewController {
From this point any AppearanceNavigationControllerContext
can ask its container to re-run the appearance configuration in case something gets changed (editing mode, for example). By various checks like viewController == topViewController
and transitionCoordinator() == nil
we’re disallowing appearance change invoked by an invisible view controller or happened during the interactive pop gesture.
####Usage We’re done with the implementation. Now any view controller can define an appearance context, change appearance in the middle of the lifecycle and so on:
class ContentViewController: UIViewController, NavigationControllerAppearanceContext {
var appearance: Appearance? {
didSet {
// mark: - Actions
override func setEditing(editing: Bool, animated: Bool) {
super.setEditing(editing, animated: animated)
// mark: - AppearanceNavigationControllerContent
func prefersNavigationControllerToolbarHidden(navigationController: UINavigationController) -> Bool {
// hide toolbar during editing
return editing
func preferredNavigationControllerAppearance(navigationController: UINavigationController) -> Appearance? {
// inverse navigation bar color and status bar during editing
return editing ? appearance?.inversedAppearance : appearance
####Gathering the appearance together
Now we can gather all the appearance configurations as a category with common configurations, thus eliminating code duplication as in the naive solution:
extension Appearance {
static let lightAppearance: Appearance = {
var value = Appearance()
value.navigationBar.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()
value.navigationBar.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
value.statusBarStyle = .LightContent
return value
####Customizing the appearance
To make the animation more customizeable let’s wrap it into the AppearanceApplyingStrategy
, hence anyone can extend this behaviour by providing a custom strategy:
public class AppearanceApplyingStrategy {
public func apply(appearance: Appearance?, toNavigationController navigationController: UINavigationController, animated: Bool) {
And connect the strategy to the AppearanceNavigationController
private func applyAppearance(appearance: Appearance?, animated: Bool) {
// we ignore nil appearance
if appearance != nil && appliedAppearance != appearance {
appliedAppearance = appearance
appearanceApplyingStrategy.apply(appearance, toNavigationController: self, animated: animated)
public var appearanceApplyingStrategy = AppearanceApplyingStrategy() {
didSet {
applyAppearance(appliedAppearance, animated: false)
For sure, this solution doesn’t pretend to be a silver bullet, however with this short and simple implementation we have:
- simplified navigation controller’s appearance configuration
- reduced duplication in code by defining extensions to the
- made our code more UIKit-like
- reduced the number of small and annoying bugs. For example, an accidental status bar style change by MailComposer.