
Go library for http://www.brewerydb.com/ API

Primary LanguageGoBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


brewerydb is a Go library for accessing the BreweryDB API

GoDoc Build StatusCoverage Status


import "github.com/naegelejd/brewerydb"

Construct a new Client using your BreweryDB API key:

client := brewerydb.NewClient("<your API key>")

Then use the available services to access the API. For example:

// Get any random beer
beer, _ := client.Beer.Random(&brewerydb.RandomBeerRequest{ABV: "8"})
fmt.Println(beer.Name, beer.Style.Name)


// Get all breweries established in 1983
bs, err := client.Brewery.List(&brewerydb.BreweryListRequest{Established: "1983"})
if err != nil {
for _, b := range bs {
    fmt.Println(b.Name, b.Website)


// "What is in Dragon's Milk?"
bl, _ := client.Search.Beer("Dragon's Milk", nil)

var beerID string
for _, beer := range bl.Beers {
    if beer.Name == "Dragon's Milk" {
        beerID = beer.ID
if beerID == "" {
    panic("Dragon's Milk not found")

ingredients, _ := client.Beer.ListIngredients(beerID)
adjuncts, _ := client.Beer.ListAdjuncts(beerID)
fermentables, _ := client.Beer.ListFermentables(beerID)
hops, _ := client.Beer.ListHops(beerID)
yeasts, _ := client.Beer.ListYeasts(beerID)

fmt.Println("Dragon's Milk:")
fmt.Println("  Ingredients:")
for _, ingredient := range ingredients {
    fmt.Println("    " + ingredient.Name)
fmt.Println("\n  Adjuncts:")
for _, adjunct := range adjuncts {
    fmt.Println("    " + adjunct.Name)
fmt.Println("  Fermentables:")
for _, fermentable := range fermentables {
    fmt.Println("    " + fermentable.Name)
fmt.Println("  Hops:")
for _, hop := range hops {
    fmt.Println("    " + hop.Name)
fmt.Println("  Yeasts:")
for _, yeast := range yeasts {
    fmt.Println("    " + yeast.Name)


This library is under development. Please feel free to suggest design changes or report issues.


This library is distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.

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