Dashboard Template

Environment Prepare

Install node_modules:

npm install



Provided Scripts

This project provides some useful script to help you quick start and build with web project, code style check and test.

Scripts provided in package.json. It's safe to modify or add additional script:

Start project

npm start

Build project

npm run build

Test code

npm test

Project Rules

Languages and Frameworks

  • JavaScript ES6

Styling Rules

To configurate styled components to the project, create a proper Javascript file in src/assets/styles and create a styled component as this following standard:

import styled from "styled-components";

/* For HTML origin components */
export const <Name_of_Styled_Component> = styled.<origin_component>`
    /* ... */

/* For customized components */
export const <Name_of_Styled_Component> = styled(<customized_component>)`
    /* ... */

To call the styled components that was defined in the former step,

import { <Name_of_Styled_Component> } from '<path>'

File Structure

Within the download you'll find the following directories and files: