C00 - Introduction to C
- ex00: ft_putchar - Print a Character
- ex01: ft_print_alphabet - Print the Alphabet
- ex02: ft_print_reverse_alphabet - Print the Alphabet in Reverse
- ex03: ft_print_numbers - Print the Numbers 0 to 9
- ex04: ft_is_negative - Print the Numbers 9 to 0 in Reverse
- ex05: ft_print_comb - Combine Numbers into Different Double Combinations
C01 - Pointers and If Statements
- ex00: ft_ft - Make a Pointer to 42
- ex01: ft_ultimate_ft - Make a Pointer to a Pointer to a...to 42
- ex02: ft_swap - Swap Two Values, Using a Temporary Variable
- ex03: ft_div_mod - Use Div and Mod to Return a Value
- ex04: ft_ultimate_div_mod - Store Values, Swap Them, use Div and Mod
- ex05: ft_putstr - Write a String
- ex06: ft_strlen - Get the Length of a String
C02 - Introduction To Strings and Arrays
- ex00: ft_strcpy - Copy a String
- ex01: ft_strncpy - String Copy With an Unsigned Int
- ex02: ft_str_is_alpha - Conditional Statements using Arrays
- ex03: ft_str_is_numeric - Check a String is Numbers
- ex04: ft_str_is_lowercase - Check a String is Lowercase
- ex05: ft_str_is_uppercase - Check a String is Uppercase
- ex06: ft_str_is_printable - Check a String is Printable
- ex07: ft_strupcase - Make a String Uppercase
- ex08: ft_strlowcase - Make a String Lowercase
C03 - String Functions, Manipulation and Concatanation
- ex00: ft_strcmp - Compare Two Strings, Returning a Value
- ex01: ft_strncmp - Compare Two Strings, Returning a Value, Using Unsigned Ints
- ex02: ft_strcat - Concatanate Two Strings
- ex03: ft_strncat - Concatanate Two Strings, Using Unsigned Ints
C04 - Analysing String Qualities and Manipulating Ints
- ex00: ft_strlen - Get the Length of a String
- ex01: ft_putstr - Print a String
- ex02: ft_putnbr - Print Any Number Within The Max / Min Int
C05 - Mathematical Concepts in C
- ex00: ft_iterative_factorial - Create a Program that Generates Iterative Factorials
- ex01: ft_recursive_factorial - Generate Recursive Factorials
- ex02: ft_iterative_power - Generate Iterative Powers
- ex03: ft_recursive_power - Generate Recursive Powers
- ex04: ft_fibonacci - Generate the Fibbonnacci Sequence
- ex05: ft_sqrt - Find the Square Root of a Given Number
C06 - Understanding Argc and Argv
- ex00: ft_print_program_name - Print the Name of a Program
- ex01: ft_print_params - Print Parameters of a Program
- ex02: ft_rev_params - Print Parameters of a Program in Reverse
C07 - Memory Allocation
- ex00: ft_strdup - Duplicate a String
- ex01: ft_range - Return a Range
- ex02: ft_ultimate_range - Return the Length of a Range
- ex03: ft_strjoin - Join Two Strings Together
- Rush 00 - Rectange (X and Y)
- Finish every project you do up to 50% or more of completion, but don't finish up to 100% (Remember: Progress not Perfection!).
- Check other Github Accounts for Methodology.
- Utilise External Tools and Resources (Talking To Your Peers, Google, ChatGPT, Stack Overflow, 42 Slack, Your Own 42 Piscine Discord Server and much more).
- Norminette Consistently.