🖥️ Here all the lab tasks of my university are assembled together.🤩

💡 Check the full course outline here

Project Tree

CSE Department Lab Tasks 💻 
└─ Course Name
   ├─ Lab-1
   │  ├─ Task-1
   │  ├─ Task-2
   │  ├─ ...
   │  └─ Task-N
   ├─ Lab-2
   ├─ ...
   └─ Lab-N


  • CSE 4107 Structured Programming I
  • SWE 4101 Introduction to Software Engineering
  • CSE 4104 Engineering Drawing
  • CSE 4203 Discrete Mathematics
  • CSE 4205 Digital Logic Design
  • SWE 4201 Object-Oriented Concepts I
  • CSE 4303 Data Structures
  • CSE 4305 Computer Organization and Architecture
  • CSE 4307 Database Management Systems
  • CSE 4309 Theory of Computing
  • SWE 4301 Object Oriented Concepts II
  • CSE 4303 Data Structures
  • SWE 4304 Software Project I
  • CSE 4403 Algorithms
  • CSE 4409 Database Management Systems II
  • CSE 4411 Data Communication and Networking
  • SWE 4401 Software Requirement and Specifications
  • SWE 4404 Software Project II
  • CSE 4501 Operating Systems
  • SWE 4501 Design Patterns
  • SWE 4503 Software Security
  • SWE 4531 Network Programming
  • SWE 4537 Server Programming
  • SWE 4533 Cryptography
  • SWE 4535 Game Development
  • CSE 4553 Machine Learning
  • CSE 4555 Data Mining
  • CSE 4557 Pattern Recognition
  • CSE 4559 Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • CSE 4561 Digital Image Processing
  • SWE 4539 Integrated Software Development
  • CSE 4617 Artificial Intelligence
  • CSE 4621 Microprocessor and Interfacing
  • SWE 4601 Software Design and Architectures
  • SWE 4603 Software Testing and Quality Assurance
  • SWE 4631 System Programming and Device Driver
  • SWE 4637 Web and Mobile Application Development
  • SWE 4633 Network Security
  • SWE 4635 Computer Graphics and Multimedia
  • SWE 4701 Software Metrics and Process
  • SWE 4731 Advanced Network Protocols
  • SWE 4739 Embedded Software Development
  • SWE 4741 Computer and Information Security
  • SWE 4737 Computer Animation
  • CSE 4809 Algorithm Engineering
  • SWE 4801 Software Maintenance
  • SWE 4803 Software Project Management
  • SWE 4805 Software Verification and Validation
  • SWE 4831 OS Optimization and Real-Time OS
  • SWE 4833 UI/UX Design
  • SWE 4847 Security Management
  • SWE 4837 Advanced Game Development
  • CSE 4841 Introduction to Optimization
  • CSE 4849 Human-Computer Interaction
  • SWE 4839 Big Data Analysis
  • SWE 4841 Natural Language Processing
  • SWE 4845 E-Commerce
  • SWE 4843 Concurrent and Parallel Programming