
A minimal project structure generator to begin to programming on Golang quickly (official maintained)

Primary LanguageGo

    ___   ___  __            __  __       _     _
   / _ \ /___\/ _\ ___ __ _ / _|/ _| ___ | | __| |
  / /_\///  //\ \ / __/ _` | |_| |_ / _ \| |/ _` |
 / /_\\/ \_// _\ \ (_| (_| |  _|  _| (_) | | (_| |
 \____/\___/  \__/\___\__,_|_| |_|  \___/|_|\__,_|

GoScaffold, there are no excuses to start in GO

A minimal project structure generator to begin to programming on Golang quickly

Golang, what it that?

Start here Golang Tour

Why do I need a generator?

It is a convenient way to have a starting point for all your projects, so that all your projects start with the same dependencies and the same architecture


go get -u github.com/aperezg/goscaffold/cmd/goscaffold

To see how to use the tool and the available commands:

goscaffold -h


This project is under construction and may contain bugs

Options not implemented yet:

  • gitlabci
  • docker