Footprint is a Swift library that helps manage and monitor memory usage in your app. It provides a flexible approach to handling memory levels, allowing you to adapt your app's behavior based on the available memory and potential termination risks.
Memory State Management: Footprint categorizes memory states into normal, warning, critical, and terminal, providing insights into your app's proximity to termination due to memory constraints.
Dynamic Memory Handling: Change your app's behavior dynamically based on the current memory state. For instance, adjust cache sizes or optimize resource usage to enhance performance.
SwiftUI Integration: Easily observe and respond to changes in the app's memory state within SwiftUI views using the
Add the Footprint library to your project:
- In Xcode, with your app project open, navigate to File > Add Packages.
- When prompted, add the Firebase Apple platforms SDK repository:
Initialize Footprint as early as possible in your app's lifecycle:
let _ = Footprint.shared
Respond to changes in memory state using the provided notification:
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: Footprint.stateDidChangeNotification, object: nil, queue: nil) { notification in
if let newState = notification.userInfo?[Footprint.newMemoryStateKey] as? Footprint.Memory.State,
let oldState = notification.userInfo?[Footprint.oldMemoryStateKey] as? Footprint.Memory.State {
print("Memory state changed from \(oldState) to \(newState)")
// Perform actions based on the memory state change
Use the SwiftUI extension to observe changes in memory state within your views:
Text("Hello, World!")
.onFootprintMemoryStateDidChange { newState, oldState in
print("Memory state changed from \(oldState) to \(newState)")
// Perform actions based on the memory state change
Retrieve current memory information:
let currentMemory = footprint.memory
print("Used Memory: \(currentMemory.used) bytes")
print("Remaining Memory: \(currentMemory.remaining) bytes")
print("Memory Limit: \(currentMemory.limit) bytes")
print("Memory State: \(currentMemory.state)")
Check if a certain amount of memory can be allocated:
let canAllocate = footprint.canAllocate(bytes: 1024)
print("Can allocate 1KB: \(canAllocate)")
Footprint is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.