
Script for minishell to test and check the result of the leaks command

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Translations: English(en) 日本語(ja)


Script for minishell to test and check the result of the leaks command.

⚠️ This script is not compliant with the current subject.
At the time the script was created, termcap and readline were not required, and it was necessary to implement ;, \, etc.
With the current subject, the script may not work or may result in a KO.


  • Easy to add test cases.
    • You can add tests by placing a text file in cases/.
  • Supports both minishell with and without -c option.
    • Without -c option is simple support.
      It may not work if termcap is used, or even if termcap is not used, depending on the prompt string.
  • Check the result of the leaks command in each test case (source code editing required)


Clone this repository to any directory.

Run tests

  1. Edit User settings in grademe.sh.

    Variable name Description
    MINISHELL_DIR Directory path where minishell exists (relative or absolute)
    MINISHELL_EXE Minishell executable file name
    MINISHELL_PROMPT Prompt string to be displayed in stderr (if you use -c option, you can leave it unset)
  2. Run all tests

    • If you have implemented the -c option to minishell
      ./grademe.sh -c
      • The "exit" in the exit command should be printed to stderr.
    • If you do not implement the -c option to minishell
      • You will need to implement the exit command; the "exit" in the exit command should be printed to stderr.
      • If the prompt is variable or contains ESC, it cannot be replaced by sed and the result will not be printed correctly.
        In that case, use the -c option.
    • Run all test cases with no arguments. You can specify one test case with an argument.
      ./grademe.sh -h to check the test cases.

How to implement the -c option

  • If "-c" is passed to argv[1], run argv[2] as a command string without using GNL.
    if (argc > 2 && ft_strncmp("-c", argv[1], 3) == 0)

Check the result of the leaks command

  1. Add a rule to your Makefile. This rule will build a minishell that will run the leaks command on the exit.

  2. Edit User settings in leaks.sh

    Variable name Description
    MINISHELL_DIR Directory path where minishell exists (relative or absolute)
    MINISHELL_EXE Minishell executable file name
    MAKE_TARGET Make rule to generate the executable file
  3. Run all tests

    • If you have implemented the -c option to minishell
      ./leaks.sh -c
    • If you do not implement the -c option to minishell
    • Run all test cases with no arguments. You can specify one test case with an argument.
      ./leaks.sh -h to check the test cases.

Makefile, header, and c file examples


NAME_LEAKS	:= minishell_leaks
SRCS_LEAKS	:= leaks.c

ifdef LEAKS

leaks	:

header file (leaks.h)

# ifndef LEAKS
#  define LEAKS 0
# endif

# if LEAKS

void	end(void) __attribute__((destructor));

# endif

c file (leaks.c)

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "leaks.h"


void	end(void)
	system("leaks minishell_leaks");


What the script is doing for testing

  1. Create and move the test directory test/.
  2. Run the setup command.
  3. Run bash or minishell.
    • Without the -c option, add ; exit to the command to test and run it.
  4. Redirect stdout and stderr to files in outputs/.
  5. Compare the stdout, stderr, and exit status of bash and minishell.

About the test case

When you run tests, you may see a lot of KO at first.
Please create your own test cases and try to run them only, or delete existing test cases.

How to create test cases

  • Create a text file in cases/.
  • Write the command to be tested and the setup command in the text file separated by commas.
    • This means that the command to be tested cannot contain commas.
  • A newline is required at the end of the file. If there is no newline, the test on the last line will be ignored.


  • The purpose of this tester is to prevent regressions by automated testing and to understand the bash specification.
  • KO with this tester != KO in review. Please check the test cases, the subject, and the source code, and make your own decision.
  • The following test cases are not covered.
    • $"string"
    • \`
    • $_
    • $123
    • Signals


I would like to thank:

  • ToYeah, who worked on minishell with me, created many test cases for cd, echo, expand, pwd, etc.