A JavaScript plugin for PivotTable.js. It renders subtotals of rows and columns with the ability to expand and collapse rows and columns
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subtotal title
#29 opened - 0
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#22 opened by dave-killough - 2
Loading Pivot Configuration results in - Cannot read property 'value' of undefined (val = totalAggregator.value();)
#70 opened by DanEnglishby - 3
Can I save state on what item is expanded ?
#51 opened by hkbeer - 0
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#66 opened by jjagielka - 0
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Would it be possible to collapse automatically if there is no data in attribute?
#75 opened by nevalain - 0
Is it possible to pass html components to arrowCollapsed and arrowExpanded attributes?
#74 opened by franpic - 1
Version 1.11.0-alpha.0 - rendererOptions.colSubtotalDisplay.collapseAt and rendererOptions.rowSubtotalDisplay.collapseAt are not working
#71 opened by franpic - 1
sowUI parameter not working
#73 opened by franpic - 0
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row grand total
#68 opened by vr2xiq - 1
Way to have collapsed as the default?
#58 opened by tr1ple5 - 9
Row & Column Sub-Total Header Label
#53 opened by Kishan1824 - 1
is this support in angular 6 thanks in advance
#69 opened by karthikeyl - 3
PivotTable Mutilple Aggragator Functionality
#59 opened by Kishan1824 - 0
pvtRowSubtotal used too often
#67 opened by jjagielka - 5
Click handler not invoked for row totals
#61 opened by plalx - 0
Column Total for each column group
#64 opened by chyasif - 1
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PivotTable Data Export In Excel Download
#55 opened by Kishan1824 - 1
rotated text
#57 opened by giko45 - 2
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Row Sub-Total DIsplay On Top Problem.
#52 opened by Kishan1824 - 9
Initial Expand/Collapse Behavior
#38 opened by gemiur - 1
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Can I expand one row to Level2 but not another
#50 opened by hkbeer - 4
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Subtotal values filter
#46 opened by rmatusiak - 2
Subtotal heatmap colors
#45 opened by rmatusiak - 0
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Multi Numeric Column RowTotol Sum
#43 opened by zhaoweijing2003 - 1
Aggregator on the subtotal only
#41 opened by tgmweb - 2
Subtotal on Column
#32 opened by emcedeltate - 15
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Subtotal Aggregators with pivot()
#40 opened by tgmweb - 1
sorters option
#39 opened by tgmweb - 1
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sub-total display problem
#35 opened by Kishan1824 - 1
does't work build with webpack
#34 opened by gongph - 10
subtotal prototype undefined
#30 opened by Kishan1824 - 11
Disable subtotals on column
#27 opened - 9
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v1.6.0 Tests Broken
#25 opened by nagarajanchinnasamy - 8
Drilldown callback
#21 opened by dave-killough - 0
Jasmine tests
#23 opened by nagarajanchinnasamy