
A web3 on-chain RPC (ocRPC) framework for decentralised applications (DApps) to establish streams inter/intra blockchain networks.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

nagare (流れ)

A github home for the nagare (流れ) ecosystem. It is a culmination of several projects curated for its unique stance in the web3 world.

A web3 on-chain RPC (ocRPC) framework for decentralised applications (DApps) to establish streams inter/intra blockchain networks.




  1. Executive Summary
  2. Demo Video
  3. Architecture
  4. Details
  5. Ecosystem Roadmap
  6. Live Demo
  7. Built With
  8. Authors
  9. License
  10. Acknowledgements

Executive Summary


The year 2020 has seen unprecidented amount of build activity in the web3 space across several blockchain projects. One such category is DeFi and many layer-1 blockchain networks are seeking to attract developers to build on their respective chain(s) and web3 technology stack.

There are only a select few number of web3 engineers globally available and they tend to stick with the chain &/ technology stack they first discovered, built on, and continued to invest their time.

For web3 to break out of its current niche or micro-niche bubble, and gain mass adoption, us founders and engineers have to create pathways and remove hurdles (if any) for developers (across web3 and web2) to be able to build as many ideas, on any chain/network, using their preferred technology stack.


Developers often pick a network (with big marketcap), a technology stack (with largest community), a category/idea (with a propensity for transaction flow) ...assuming they will be able to attract and retain a large number of users/customers.

This limits their ability to experiment on other innovative chains and technology stacks, so as to build & launch a web3 product that might be closer to achieving problem-solution | product-market | founder-industry fit.

What if there was a way and means for developers and DApps to be able to connect to other interesting chains (using bridges) and establish continuous streams per Time cycles (seconds, minutes, hours, days, week, months).


The thesis being multiple chains are here to stay and one of many ways to integrate/inter-operate them and allow web3 product transactions to flow in-between them is by building and using bridges.

For DApps to be able to stream transactions across chains, we offer an on-chain RPC (ocRPC) framework and easy to connect set of smart contracts that enables DApps to direct their cross-chain streams through them.

Imagine Over-The-Top (OTT) cross-chain streaming framework for web3 products & services using the already existing and proven layer-1 blockchain networks and bridges.


There are several technology platforms to choose from. However, we are going with projects that have used or planning to use Rust as one of their core tenants. Additionally we love learning and building on Rust 🦀.

For streaming to be fast, seamless, cost effective we chose Solana & Wormhole as the cornerstone building blocks (chain & bridge respectively) and we love their passion for shipping code on a weekly basis.


Our biggest assumption here is, Wormhole will be(come) the cross-chain specifications and standards for any/all bridges from/to the Solana network.

Using Wormhole as a catalyst, we intend to big-bang the nagare (流れ) ecosystem.

What Wormhole does for cross-chain bridges -- nagare does for cross-chain streams.

Demo Video

Coming Soon ...due to some unforeseen issues, rebuilding it now.




...details will be available soon and progressively.

Ecosystem Roadmap

In Phase-0: Solana - Ethereum ...we intend to work with Wormhole team to bootstrap the testing and deployment of the bridge in their respective testnets and mainnets.

In Phase-1: Solana - Ethereum ...as and when the Wormhole bridge is operational between Solana testnet and Ethereum testnet, we shall deploy our Solana smart contract sNAGARE and deploy our Ethereum smart contract eNAGARE.

In Phase-2: Solana - Cosmos ...as and when a bridge (Wormhole preferred) becomes available between Solana testnet and Cosmos testnet, we shall enhance our Solana smart contract sNAGARE and deploy our Cosmos smart contract cNAGARE.

In Phase-3: Solana - Polkadot ...as and when a bridge (Wormhole preferred) becomes available between Solana testnet and Polkadot testnet, we shall enhance our Solana smart contract sNAGARE and deploy our Polkadot smart contract pNAGARE.

nagare (流れ) smart contacts:

sNAGARE (in Solana network)
eNAGARE (in Ethereum network)
cNAGARE (in Cosmos network)
pNAGARE (in Polkadot network)

Live Demo

Work In Progress (WIP) ...awaiting for certain projects to be deployed onto their respective testnets and/or mainnets.

Built With


  • PK Rasam - Initial work - pkrasam


The nagare (流れ) ecosystem is licensed under the Apache 2 License - see the LICENSE file for details. For the list of projects that were used to build this ecosystem, please do refer to their individual license terms.
