
Online Shopping Portal using AJAX, JQuery,JSP, Servlets, MVC, DAOs,Maven, MySQL

Primary LanguageJava


eCommerece is an online shopping portal which is similar Amazon and eBay. We have used a large database having millions of customer and data related to products. Implemented standard J2EE MVC design pattern, DataAccess pattern,etc Used Maven for proper project build and management The tools used to develop the project is Coding: Eclipse, Database: MySQL Workbench Technologies: Java, HTML5, JQuery, Javascript, AJAX, CSS, Maven

In order to use the application: Step 1: Download the project and unzip the file Step 2: Start the eclipse and import to the project // if you dont have eclipse place the project in the webapps folder of tomcat server and start the server. Step 3: install the maven(it comes in built in new eclipse version, if not download and add in the maven directory) Step 4: once maven is configured with eclipse run the project with maven and put the command "clean install" to build the project and no run the project on server and it will ask for login. If you are new user go the registration Step 5: Before running make sure you have the mysql server installed and create the tables based on the DDL script provided attached. Please before running the DDL script make sure of creating the database as "eCommerce"