ディジタル信号処理のデモプログラム (MATLAB/Octave/Scilab対応) / Demo Scripts of Digital Signal Processing (compatible with MATLAB/Octave/Scilab)
ディジタル信号処理のデモプログラムです。MATLAB と Octave (.m) および Scilab (.sci) 対応です。神戸高専 電子工学科5年 電子応用(選択科目)の理解を助けるためのスクリプトを含みます。なお, .m スクリプトには日本語版( *_ja.m )も用意しています。
You may find scripts for understandig disital signal processing using MATLAB/Octave (.m) and Scilab (.sci) platforms. Scripts supporting students who learn Applied Electronic Engineering Class in Kobe City College of Technology are also included.
A demo program for visually and acoustically understanding the effect of the sampling theorem by gradually changing the signal frequency with showing and playing the signal.
A demo program for visually understanding the sinc interpolation for upsampling a descrete signal by showing all sinc functions which will be summed up.
最もシンプルに Matlab/Octave/Scilab で FFT 解析をおこなうサンプルコードです。信号の生成方法や横軸(周波数軸)の計算方法などの基本を学んで下さい。
The simplest sample code of the FFT analysis using Matlab/Octave/Scilab. Learn the basic techniques how to create the waveforms or how to calculate the frequency axis etc.
離散フーリエ変換のプロセスを,積分する cos 波および sin 波を全て表示することで視覚的に理解します。既存のパッケージ化された FFT 関数は使いません。
A demo program for visually understanding the process of the Descrete Fourier Transform showing all sinusoidal waves which will be integrated. The packaged FFT function is not used in this script.
A demo program for visually understanding the effect of the window function for the Descrete Fourier Transform by showing the waveform, its spectrum, and the spectrum of the window function.
A demo program for visually and acoustically understanding the effect of the window length for the Descrete Fourier Transform by showing the waveform and its spectrum, and playing the waveform.
A demo program for visually understanding the behavior of the Descrete Fourier Transform with zero padding by showing the waveform and the spectrum.
A demo program for visually understanding the behavior of the averaging technique which reduces the noise added to a repetition signal.
アベレージングによる量子化精度向上のデモ / Averaging Demo on Quantization Resolution [averaging_quantization_demo.m/.sci]
A demo program for visually understanding the behavior of the averaging technique which derives extra information beyond the quantization resolution of the A/D converter by adding noise by design.
Contents are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License).
これらのコンテンツはクリエイティブコモンズ CC BY-SA 3.0 ライセンスの元で公開しています。
長谷 芳樹 (神戸市立工業高等専門学校)
Yoshiki NAGATANI, Kobe City College of Technology, Japan