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ManagedCUDA aims an easy integration of NVidia's CUDA in .net applications written in C#, Visual Basic or any other .net language.
For this it includes:
- A complete wrapper for the CUDA Driver API, version 10.0 (a 1:1 representation of cuda.h in C#)
- Based on this, wrapper classes for CUDA context, kernel, device variable, etc.
- Wrapper for graphics interop with DirectX and OpenGL, respectively SlimDX and OpenTK
- CUDA vector types like int2, float3 etc. with ToString() methods and operators (+, –, *, /)
- Define your own types: CudaDeviceVariable accepts any user defined type if it is a value type, i.e. a struct in C#
- Includes most CUDA libraries: CUFFT, CURAND, CUSPARSE, CUBLAS, NPP and NVRTC
- Access device memory directly per element using [] operator:
CudaDeviceVariable<float> devVar = new CudaDeviceVariable<float>(64);
devVar[0] = 1.0f;
devVar[1] = 2.0f;
float hostVar1 = devVar[0];
float hostVar2 = devVar[1];
- Implicit converter operators: Allocate and initialize device or host arrays in only one line of code:
float3[] array_host = new float3[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
array_host[i] = new float3(i, i+1, i+2);
//alloc device memory and copy data:
CudaDeviceVariable<float3> array_device = array_host;
//alloc host array and copy data:
float3[] array_host2 = array_device;
- NPPs extension methods for CudaDeviceVariable. Add a reference to the NPP library and include the ManagedCuda.NPP.NPPsExtensions namespace:
Random rand = new Random();
int length = 256;
//init some ramdom values
double[] randoms = new double[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
randoms[i] = rand.NextDouble();
//Alloc device memory
CudaDeviceVariable<double> a = randoms;
CudaDeviceVariable<double> b = new CudaDeviceVariable<double>(length);
b.Set(10.0); //NPPs method
int size = a.MeanGetBufferSize(); //NPPs method
//Alloc temporary memory for NPPs mean method
CudaDeviceVariable<byte> buffer = new CudaDeviceVariable<byte>(size);
CudaDeviceVariable<double> mean = new CudaDeviceVariable<double>(1);
a.Mul(b); //NPPs method
a.DivC(10.0); //NPPs method
a.Mean(mean, buffer); //NPPs method
//Copy data back to host
double m = mean;
double[] res = a;
//Clean up
- Compiles for .net 2.0 and .net 4.0 (default), runs also on mono and Linux.
- The new feature 'per thread default stream' is available as a compiler directive of the managedCuda main library: Compile the library with the option "_PerThreadDefaultStream" to enable it.