
Cluster Document for IIL@HIT

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Slurm User Guide for IIL@HIT


Currently, our cluster has 1 master node, 5 GTX1080Ti nodes and 2 RTX2080Ti nodes, and may merge 5 A6000 nodes in the next few days. The GPU limit is set to 2 or 4 GPUs for graduate students and PhD candidates, respectively. It contains 8x16T HDDs which are mounted on every node with NFS, so the home directory of each user is implicitly synchronized between the nodes. The disk limit is set to 1TB for each user. As we do not use fault-tolerant file system, there is no guarantee for data persistence.

Super Quick Start

1. SSH Connection

Please contact 朱航延(QQ 906213291) to create your user account, as well as config SSH keys. For safety reason, we use randomly generate the password when creating user account and discard the password immediately. Authenticating with SSH keys is the only way to connect to the cluster.

At this time, the default SSH port of the cluster is banned by Network Information Center (NIC), so we sort to use port 1022. In this tutorial, we take user name lijunyi as example, you could connect to the cluster through SSH as follows:

ssh -p1022 lijunyi@

2. Environment

We pre-install multi-user anaconda, and enable it for each user by default. However, as there are dozens of users, directly creating conda environment at $PREFIX/envs may mess up. We recommend users to create and activate conda environment in there home directories:

mdkir ~/anaconda
conda create -p ~/anaconda/env_name python=3.10
conda activate -p ~/anaconda/env_name

One may install his own anaconda and config the conda and pip mirrors to mirrors.hit.edu.cn as well.

3. Interactive Job

One can alloc an interactive job and start a console for create environments, debug, etc. We restrict the corresponding CPU and memory resources for each GPU, e.g., 4 CPUs and 30G memory for each GTX1080Ti GPU. To prevent occupy GPUs with interactive job for a long time, we limit the duration time to 4 hours, and one can re-alloc new interactive job when time exceeds. Examples are as follows:

salloc --gres=gpu:1080:1
srun --pty /bin/bash

where '1080' is the GPU type in ['1080', '2080'], '1' is the GPU count. As srun only starts one terminal, you may use tmux in it to create multiple terminals for run codes and show statistics, etc.

4. Batch Job

Batch job has no time limit, and may be used for training models for several days. One may first create a shell script named job.slurm that specifies job details:

#SBATCH --job-name=default
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1080:1
#SBATCH --output=%j.out
#SBATCH --error=%j.err

conda activate -p ~/anaconda/env_name
cd path_to_code
python train.py

Then submit the job:

sbatch job.slurm

5. Other Commands

show running jobs,

squeue -u `whoami`

cancel running jobs by JOBID,

scancel JOBID

show user resource limit,

sacctmgr show assoc format=user,grptres%80 | grep `whoami`

show cluster GPU usage,

slurm_gpustat --verbose