
Who I was, what I have done and insight on who I'll become


Ahmed Nagi @nagiworks, Full Stack Web Developer

Cairo, Egypt - hey@ahmednagi.com


  • Laravel Wopi Create Google Docs at the confert of your laravel localhost/application.

    👉 Spent sometime structuring comments into 3 lines each line 3 chars shorter than the line before. see my reply to @calebporzio's challenge.

    👉 Adopted pest for testing.

    👉 My goal was to improve the developer experience using WOPI protocol. I think I achieve this when I was able to integrate custom collabration editor into Eco7 under 30 mins.

  • Eco7

(Private oil company DMS): Full blown filesystem and document manager using Laravel and vuejs 👇

# We can discuss further this project in private conversation since this is high profile client project.

My responsibilities:

👉 Design and outline the database and UI/UX.

👉 Develop Front-end using Vuejs and backend using Laravel.

👉 Maintain several private composer and npm packages.

👉 Write custom docker installer and updater for the software.
  • Elpms basecamp clone using Laravel Inertia.js and vuejs.

I love this project because it introduced me to the true laravel community and here's a couple whys:

👉 Learned and applied Inertia.js in the back and the front.

👉 Create my first open-source project hill-chart see demo from here.



linux and Docker

👉 Created Docker image and installer for Eco7.

👉 Handled the complexity of running nginx, php, queues and many other on light alpine.


One of the requirements in Eco7 was to create some sort of a tool to import huge nested folder structure including files. It was a great opportunity for me to learn and apply so I created this tool using Electron 👇
