
Simple JS frontend route and template framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple JS frontend route and template framework

Register template

Register a template by getting the content from an already existing place in the HTML.

floaty.template('frontpage', 'template#frontpage');

Register a template by directly supplying the HTML.

floaty.template('frontpage', '<h1>Frontpage</h1>');

Register a template by requestint a file.

floaty.template('frontpage', '/partials/frontpage.html');

Rendering a template

Render a template by giving the name it was registered as, the selector where to put the content, and an optional set of values to replace inside the template.

floaty.render('frontpage', 'article#content');
floaty.render('frontpage', 'article#content', { name: 'Mr. Awesome' });

This will replace {{ name }} with Mr. Awesome in the HTML before applying it to the article#content selector.

Registering routes

The routes register function have a minimum of 2 arguments, the path and callback. You can supply as many middleware functions as you like.

floaty.route('/', viewFrontpage);

You can also use parameters which will be included in the context sent to the middlewares and callback.

floaty.route('/user/:id/edit', isUserLoggedIn, editUser);

This will execute the isUserLoggedIn function first, then the editUser one, with a context containing the route object as well as a params which in this case looks like this: { "id": 1 } for the URL /user/1/edit.

Handling routes not found

If a path is navigated to and a route for that path is not defined, the notFound callback is called if set.


Initializing the engine

After you have setup all routes and templates, run the init function to intercept all <a> clicks as well as render the template for the given browser location.


You can also supply options to the init function.

	// This will make the framework not
	// terminate the route if an exception
	// is thrown in one of the middleware
	// functions.
	continueOnExceptions: true