A website to retrieve historic traffic pattern over certain areas, provide statistics about traffic severity levels and offering detour suggestion to user choosen driving route based on A* algorithm using historic traffic pattern as heuristic.
Before Starting
This application is implemented in MongoDB, Node.js, Express and AngularJS. For running this project, we recommend using macOS or Linux which can take advantage of powerful tools like: homebrew.
To keep the project running in a good organized manner, there's some suggestion for tools to pick up:
Quick Setup
- Use brew to install npm:
brew install npm
- Installing MongoDB:
brew install mongodb
- Go to project directory, installing dependencies via npm:
npm install
Begin Traffic Monitoring
Please type all commands at root directory of project files.
- Clone project file
mkdir demo
cd demo
git init
git clone
- Import example data, make sure go to parent folder of dump folder before typing commends
- Start mongodb
- Start Server
npm start
- Open a browser window, type url: "localhost:3000" and the application will show up.
Data Collection
Go to the directory of "scripts", type:
node getTraffic.js
To run two data collector simultenously, open another tab window, go to the directory of "scripts"
node getWeather.js
Tips: Traffic scripts refresh every 2 minutes and weather scripts collect data in the second half of every hour, if it start before x:30, it will pause for 30 minutes.
The dump folder contains example traffic and weather dataset over one month in New Jersey.
Please check Package.json. It list all node package dependencies and usually more up to date than this readme file! Here provide a list of current major dependencies:
Application Structure and Organization
This project follows a typical structure for Angular Application (Example), here's the skeleton for reference:
- app // holds all our files for node components (routes, models)
-- models // all mongodb schema
-- route.js // router for REST services
- server.js // node configuration & main entry for this application
- public // holds all our files for frontend angular applications
-- images
-- index.html // base template for rendering
-- javascripts // holds main angular application and controllers
-- partials // html templates
-- stylesheets // css files
- scripts // scripts to collect traffic data periodically
- bin // system configuration
- data // database configuration
- node_modules // node packages installed by npm
- dump // example data dump for demo
- package.json // npm configuration to install dependencies/modules
Sample testing
To test REST API, POSTMAN is recommended
To execute a HTTP get request, simply choose a get method on left of url blank and click "send" button.
For HTTP POST, type the exact json object in body, like:
{ "ori": "New Brunswick", "des": "Edison", "Time": 1 }
A full list of history object will be returned after POST finished.
To do integration testing, please go to homepage and just browse as other website!
To check the correctness of database objects, please use visualization tools like robomongo