
Samples are created with Runtime .Net API (100.x)

Primary LanguageC#

ArcGIS Runtime .Net Samples

Display Legend sample

This sample displays the legend of an ArcGISMapImageLayer. The UI control is binded with LegendInfo class properties Name and Symbol.Uri


Spatial Filter sample

This sample displays the all cities within a state using GeometryEngine.Intersection() method.


Feature Collection sample

This sample application creates a feature collection from a feature layer, "http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Wildfire/FeatureServer/0" and then creates a feature layer which is saved as an AGOL item.

Display Dictionary SymbolStyle sample

This sample displays a custom ArcGIS pro symbol (.stylx) using SymbolStyle class in Runtime application. The key field in stylx file is necessary to display the symbol just like in ArcGIS Pro. https://developers.arcgis.com/net/latest/wpf/api-reference/html/T_Esri_ArcGISRuntime_Symbology_SymbolStyle.htm

Search features using MVVM

The sample uses MVVM model to search for parcel that has pool permit.