

Primary LanguagePython

What is CloudHSM

  • CloudHSM is one of the many services from Amazon ( AWS )
  • If you are familar with HSM it is a HSM sitting in the Amazon Data center.
  • CloudHSM's are not Virtualized and these are Physical devices sitting in Amazon Data centers(VPC).
  • CloudHSM's are SafeNet Luna provisioned in the AWS VPC.

What is a HSM ( Hardware Security Module )

A physical computing device that

  • safeguards and
  • manages digital keys for cryptographic opertaions( Ex : symmetric key, asymmetric key opertaions)

Key concept

  • Keys are created in the HSM
  • Keys live in the HSM
  • Keys die in the HSM

Bottom line a key never leaves the HSM.

Getting started with CloudHSM

  • Provisioning a new CloudHSM -- Historical Info : In good old days you would open a ticket with Amazon with your VPC info/Region/subnet and they would provision the HSM. -- Auto provisoning using boto --- AWS Charges an upfront fee of $5000.00 ( Please check the http://aws.amazon.com/cloudhsm/faqs/ for the exact amount ) when provisioning --- You need the following to provision a CloudHSM ---- Region ---- Subnet ---- ssh key pair When a HSM is provisioned all you see is a ENI in the AWS Console, which looks like

How to monitor CloudHSM

Using SNMP

-- Create an SNMP user on CloudHSM as

 lunash*> sysconf snmp user add -s monitorhsm -authPa <**********> -authProtocol SHA -privPa <**********> -privPr AES

-- Re-start SNMP as

 lunash*> service restart snmp

Note -- Sometimes SNMP is is not enabled by default on the HSM's. To enable SNMP

 lunash*> sysconf snmp enable

-- Perofrm a quick test to ensure you are able to get to SNMP as

 snmpget -v3 -u monitorhsm -l authPriv -a SHA -A ******* -x AES -X ******

Setting up remove logging for CloudHSM using rsyslogs

  • As the CloudHSM is provisoned in the VPC, your rsyslog instance also needs to be in the VPC.
  • While provisining a new CloudHSM you can provide the IP of a rsyslog server so cloudHSM can forward the syslogs.
import boto
  • Setting up a rsyslog server on Ubuntu ( Install the latest version )
       sudo add-apt-repository ppa:adiscon/v8-stable
       sudo apt-get update
       sudo apt-get install rsyslog
  • Using logstash to Ingest rsyslog to ElasticSearch

Alerting on CloudHSM

CloudHSM Inventory

  • It is common for orgs to have CloudHSM in different regions/environments/subnets
  • Here is a quick script i use to get the CloudHSM Invntories across all the accounts/regions

How to backup a CloudHSM

  • Do you know CloudHSM can only be backed up to a CloudHSM Backup. This how a CloudHSM Backup looks like.

- The one thing you cannot have it in the cloud as they need to be physically connect to a server/instance - Obviosuly as the keys are sensitive you would want to have them backed up to the CloudHSM Step 1 : Remove the cover Step 2 :

How to restore a CloudHSM Backup

  • As important a backup is, it is equally important to test your restoures to ensure it works end to end.