
FWD second project for advanced web development nanodegree to create full function API to mange store

Primary LanguageTypeScript



  1. you must get postgreSQL installed in your machine

    create two databases one for ENV = dev and the other for ENV = test

    note save their names because you gonna add them in env variables so that node-postgres can connect to those databases

    example run this sql code in your psql or whatever the way you interact with postgreSQL to create storefront_dev and storefront_test

    you can run the databaseInit.sql file in psql to execute commands of initializing the database but keep in mind it will create the databases with names storefront_dev and storefront_test to run the file in psql

    \i ./databaseInit.sql


    CREATE DATABASE storefront_dev;
    CREATE DATABASE storefront_test;

    after creating the database install the uuid extension on both because we're using it as our id for all tables

    \c storefront_dev
    \c storefront_test
  2. install all npm packages

    npm install
  3. setup the .env file from environment-variables section

    note without .env file you can not connect to the database neither running tests or run migrations

  4. run database migrations

    db-migrate automatically connect to the database by reading .env file to complete its configurations in database.json

    db-migrate up

    note if db-migrate is not defined in your terminal install it as global from npm then try again

    npm i -g db-migrate
  5. build javascript files

    npm run build
  6. run tests

    npm run test
  7. start the server

    npm start


note that database must be shipped with already exist admin [it's done when you start the server for the first time or start testing] [ username: admin; password: admin; ]

  • any user could sign in/up [ no token required ]
  • any user could see the products [maybe the main page in the frontend] [ no token required ]
  • any user could search the products by category [ no token required ]
  • any signed user could create, read, update and delete order [ token required ]
  • only admin could ALTER [ create/update/delete ] products [ token required, with user of role admin ]
  • only admin could ALTER [ create/update/delete ] categories [ token required, with user of role admin ]
  • only admin could create another admins [ no sign up page for admins/ the super admin only could create another ones from the dashboard ] [ token required, with user of role admin ]

Environment Variables

create .env file in the main dir so the server could read and complete the configurations from it and then next table contain what .env file must include and why those fields then example of the file structure

PORT 🔴 8000 3000 set which port the server will run on
PG_HOST ✅ set postgreSQL host name
PG_DB ✅ store_dev used to connect with the database and used in the migrations config
PG_TEST_DB ✅[only for running tests] store_test in "test" mode used to connect to the database and in the migrations
PG_PORT ✅ 5432 which port database is using
PG_USER ✅ user database username who can manage all tables in the database and create new ones
PG_PASSWORD ✅ password database user password
JWT_SECRET ✅ secret used as jwt secret
JWT_EXPIRES ✅ 10d set when jwt expires
BCRYPT_ROUNDS ✅ 4 set number of rounds bycrypt will use
BCRYPT_SALT ✅ secret set the salt added to the password before hashing
ENV 🔴 dev dev set env type[the database will automatically work in dev mode]

example not field with data

PORT = 3000
PG_DB = storefront_dev
PG_TEST_DB = storefront_test
PG_PORT = 5432
ENV = dev

End Points

all end points could be found in REQUIREMENTS.md file

Required Technologies

  • Postgres for the database
  • Node/Express for the application logic
  • dotenv from npm for managing environment variables
  • db-migrate from npm for migrations
  • jsonwebtoken from npm for working with JWTs
  • jasmine from npm for testing