
Mood Tracker & Journaling App - Mobile Application Development Project for Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH)

Primary LanguageKotlin

Jourly App

  • Mobile Application Development Project @ BTH
  • Quick & easy mood tracking and journaling

How to Run (locally)

  • Clone the repo on your filesystem: git clone https://github.com/nagychris/jourly-app.git.

  • Open the cloned project in Android Studio.

  • Run it on an emulator / local device via the app run configuration in the top bar (you have to select the device first).

  • You need to create a new "account" in the first screen, but you can just provide a name (e.g., "User"), the passcode is optional. After that, each time you close and re-open the app, the user details are re-used (just the passcode needs to be re-entered if you set one in the beginning).

How to Contribute 🚀

Please follow the following workflow when contributing GitHub Flow:

  • (Pick issue and assign it to yourself => usually this is done in our weekly meetings)

  • Clone repo (only first time):

git clone https://github.com/nagychris/jourly-app.git

  • Create new feature branch based on main (*Note: branch-name should optimally adhere to this naming schema, to have a better overview: yourUsername/githubIssueNumber-description):

git checkout -b <branch-name> origin/main

  • Develop the feature by making reasonably-sized commits with meaningful messages (some best practices for Git commits) => Example:

git commit -m "add entry list component"

  • Make sure to frequently fetch the current changes made by others:

git fetch --all and then git merge origin/main

  • Push your commits when you finish your work, or when you want to have feedback:

git push origin HEAD

  • Create a pull request (PR) with the feature branch in GitHub (usually a message is shown here that automatically includes the recently pushed branch). The description should include a link to the issue that should be closed by the changes (e.g. "Closes #issue_number") and description of the changes (if required). Also post a link of the PR in Discord Channel "Development" to notify the others :

  • Now, wait for comments (and if needed, apply the requested changes), and finally, for the approval of the PR

    • How to review and approve a PR in GitHub: Go to the PR page > "Files changed" > "Review changes" > Here you can either "Comment", if you have some questions that need to be answered before the merge, "Approve" if you are fine with the changes and they may be merged, or "Request Changes" if you found some error (or similar) to be fixed before the merging. Please also leave a comment in the code to easier locate and fix the error.
  • After being approved by at least one other person, the PR may be merged into the main branch 👏