
This is Android Demo app for Currency conversion and Display history of Currencies Rates

Primary LanguageKotlin

Currency Conversion App

multi module android demo for currency conversion using fixer API

  1. App module : for simplicity holds the presentation layer and navigation logic
  2. Core modules : holdes the shared logic and utils for each layer
  3. Model module : holds the common dtos and classes for the app

Architecture pattern:

MVI model view intent single activity architecture following the Data-Domain-Presentation clean architecture and the UDF unidirectional data flow pattern with repository pattern for data as a layer over different offline/online data sources

Libraries and dependencies:

  1. Constraint Layout for flexible relative positioning and sizing of views
  2. Support for different English/Arabic local
  3. Coroutines and flow for asynchronous operations (networking or data store operations)
  4. data binding
  5. Navigation component for handling transitions between fragments
  6. Dagger-Hilt for dependency injection
  7. Retrofit/okhttp for networking