
  • Together is a free mobile application based social network for connecting enthusiastic people who are willing to learn new skill or make an achievement to start their journey together.
  • Group is the umbrella where group members start learning something and monitor their productivity through group todo list and communicate using group chat.

Demo for the Application

Together App Demo

How To Use

Mobile App

  • Open project file then open change that line to your local host IP
    public static final String API_URL = "";
  • in change that line with your local host IP
    private String SERVER_PATH ="ws://";;

Backend server

  • Clone the object from TogetherBackendServer
  • Edit .env file set DB_NAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD to your mysql database info
  • Execute that command
    $ composer install package
  • Open AppServiceProvider.php class
    use illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
    // in boot() put that line below
  • Finally Excute those lines
    $ Php artisan key:generate  
    $ Php artisan migrate 
    $ Php artisan serve

Chat server

  • Clone the object from Chat-Server.git
  • Open command line in that directory and execute those commands
 $ npm i express
 $ Npm i mysql 
 $ Npm i websocket
 $ Node server.js