
Adjoint-state based AVO Inversion Method

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Adjoint-state based AVO Inversion Method

Coding Pakage for Computer & Geoscience paper entitled "Constrained Non-linear AVO Inversion based on the Adjoint-State Optimization". The pdf copy of this paper is also uploaded (AHMED et al 2022) here alongwith codes files.

Please cite this article as: N. Ahmed, W.W. Weibull and D. Grana, Constrained non-linear AVO inversion based on the adjoint-state optimization. Computers and Geosciences (2022), Vol. 168, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2022.105214.

This folder contains two main files titled 'Make_Synthetics.m & Non_linear_AVO_Inversion' alongwith exampledata.mat. Kepp all three files in a single folder. To run non-linear avo inversion, following function are required (keep all the below functions in other folder with name Function). Functions: \Functions\Aki_Richards.m
\Functions\quad_min2.m \Functions\Ricker.m
\Functions\update_trial_int.m \Functions\vel_smoother.m
\Functions\wiggle.m First, run 'Make_Synthetics.m' it will create a data sets required for inversion and then run 'Non_linear_AVO_Inversion'.