
A high level PhantomJS headless browser in Node.js ideal for task automation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CI Build Status npm version

A headless browser powered by PhantomJS functions in Node.js. Based on the PhantomJS-Node bridge.

This library aims to abstract many of the simple functions one would use while testing or scraping a web page. Instead of running page.evaluate(...) and entering the javascript functions for a task, these tasks are abstracted for the user.

For example, a robust syntax to click an element on a page that has to be executed in the browser javascript environment is:

 var button = document.querySelector(SELECTOR);
 var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
     true /* bubble */, true /* cancelable */,
     window, null,
     0, 0, 0, 0, /* coordinates */
     false, false, false, false, /* modifier keys */
     0 /*left*/, null

With Revenant, the equivalent would be:

revenant.clickElement(SELECTOR, 0, callback);

When to execute the callback can also be configured, if we desire to wait for some ajax element to appear. See the API documentation below for more details.



Make sure PhantomJS is installed in your PATH, and run

$ npm install --save revenant


Example code to open a browser, wait for an element to appear on the page, and then logs its innerHTML to the console.

var Revenant = require('revenant');

// example AJAX test page
const URL = 'http://jiahaog.github.io/ajax-test-page/';

// selector for AJAX content
const SELECTOR = '#setTimeoutContent';

// create a browser
var browser = new Revenant();

    .then(function () {
        return browser.waitForElement(SELECTOR);
    .then(function () {
        return browser.getInnerHTML(SELECTOR);
    .then(function (result) {
        console.log(result); // 'BUBBLES'

        // kills the PhantomJS process

    }).fail(function (error) {

All API functions return a promise, and if desired, they can be used to chain callbacks. Alternatively, the conventional node callback can be provided as the last argument in these functions.



Revenant is the main object to simulate a browser. Initialise an instance with new, and call done() to kill the PhantomJS process when the task is completed.


var browser = new Revenant();

	.then(//... do things )
	.then(function (result) {
	.fail(function (error) {

openPage(url, [callback])

Opens a url within PhantomJS. Always call this function first to initialise the browser and open a page, before continuing with other tasks.


  • urlstring Url to open
  • callback(error)Optional function Callback called when the page has been opened


Gets the current url of the browser.


  • callback(error, url)Optional function Callback called when the url has been retrieved

navigateToUrl(url, [callback])

Navigates the current page to another url.


  • callback(error)Optional function Callback called when a new page is loaded and the DOM is ready


Takes a snapshot of the DOM into a string.


  • callback(error, dom)Optional function Callback called when a new page is loaded and the DOM is ready. dom will be a snapshot of the entire document as a string

waitForElement(selector, [callback])

Polls the page and waits for a particular CSS selector to appear.


  • selectorstring CSS selector to choose the element to wait for
  • callback(error)Optional function Callback called when that css selector is now present on the page

waitForDomString(stringQuery, [callback])

Like waitForElement(), except that it waits for a particular string to appear in the DOM before executing the callback.


  • stringQuerystring To query the DOM for
  • callback(error)Optional function Callback called when the stringQuery is found contained in the DOM.

getInnerHTML(selector, [callback])

Polls the page and waits for a particular CSS selector to appear, and then gets the innerHTML of that element .


  • selectorstring CSS selector to choose the element to wait for
  • callback(error, innerHtml)Optional function Callback called when that css selector is now present on the page

changeDropdownIndex(selector, value, [callback])

Changes the selected index of a dropdown element.


  • selectorstring CSS selector to choose the dropdown element
  • valueinteger index of the dropdown to switch to
  • callback(error)Optional function Callback called when the dropdown index has been changed

clickElement(selector, options, [callback])

Clicks a element on the page


  • selectorstring CSS selector to choose the element to click
  • optionsinteger Options to affect when to execute the callback.
    • 0 – Execute callback immediately after clicking
    • 1 – Expect an ajax change in the page, only execute callback when the DOM has changed by a certain threshold
    • 2 – Expect page navigation, so execute the callback only when the url changes and the new document is ready
  • callback(error)Optional function Callback called when the criteria set in options has been met

setCheckboxState(selector, state, [callback])

Sets the state of a checkbox. Also fires an event to simulate a mouse click of the checkbox.


  • selectorstring CSS selector to choose the checkbox element
  • stateboolean Value to indicate if the checkbox should be checked
  • callback(error)Optional function Callback called when the dropdown index has been changed

fillForm(selector, value, [callback])

Fills a form on the page.


  • selectorstring CSS selector to choose the form element
  • valuestring Value to fill the form
  • callback(error)Optional function Callback called when the form has been filled


Submits the form on the page.


  • callback(error)Optional function Callback called when the form has been submitted, the page has reached a new url, and the document is ready


$ npm test