
SUKMA is a website in the field of education that contains education about bullying. We created this website with the purposed of increasing youth awareness of the high number of bullying that is very prevalent, especially of education in Indonesia. The unique thing about the SUKMA website is that educational content is presented in the Flashcard feature which users can later save and delete, because we focus on target users who are teenagers aged 12 -17 years, so they will not feel bored when using our website. Of course, we hope that with the launch of SUKMA we can increase awareness to many people and can reduce the number of bullying in Indonesia, especially in education. This website was originally created by the Sukma Team FE_ED8 with the mentor Dion Edo Fananie which consists of:

  1. Erryck Norrys (KM_G2FE3068)
  2. Luthfiah Ananda Putri (KM_G2FE6240)
  3. Nahrul Khayatullah (KM_G2FE3027)
  4. Shafa Salsabila Pribadi (KM_G2FE4040)
  5. Merina (KM_G2FE5287) (Tidak Berkontribusi dalam Capstone Project)

Goals Project

  1. We hoped that the launch of the SUKMA website can prevent and reduce the number of bullying in Indonesia carried out by school-age children.
  2. Give more insight to school-age children about bullying in the school environment, to victims, and ways to reduce the number of bullying.
  3. Can be a safe place for victims and can help those who may be experiencing bullying or those who are trying to escape bullying.


  1. User Login and Logout Features
  2. Flashcard feature which contains education about bullying, there are 4 categories of bullying
  3. Favorite or save flashcard feature
  4. Delete flashcard feature
  5. Profile feature, displays user profiles and any flashcards that are stored and can be deleted
  6. Homepage feature that displays categories regarding the 4 themes of bullying that we raise, how to prevent and how to reduce bullying at school
  7. The category navbar feature where we can directly select a reading category without having to scroll through the page.

Tech Stack Use

  1. React Js
  2. Firebase
  3. Local Storage
  4. Boostrap & MUI Library
  5. Flex & Grid
  6. Hooks
  7. Typescripts
  8. Testing
  9. Eslint



You can just click this link (link) and login, after that you can try to run the program without having to install anything.


  1. Download this github sourcecode, you can download with zip
  2. Open the sourcode with visual studio code or with another editor
  3. Instal and download the required package you can see in the package.json file what packages needs to be installed
  4. After done installed the package, klik terminal and type npm start
  5. Your program will run in your laptop

Available Scripts

This script will help you install the package and run it directly

npm i && npm start


yarn && yarn start

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.