----------------------------------- This repo is no longer maintained. ----------------------------------- SWITCH TO LATEST VERSION: #7 ----------------------------------- M-AILABS Spanish Corpus - es_ES - Español Ibérico http://www.caito.de/data/Training/stt_tts/ 108 hours and 34 minutes of annotated spanish. The M-AILABS Speech Dataset is the first large dataset that we are providing free-of-charge. Freely usable as training data for speech recognition and speech synthesis. Tensorflow pre-trained model for deepspeech. DEEPSPEECH VERSION: 0.4.1 https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech 154 samples failed upon conversion 7991 samples were longer than 10 seconds imported 47686 High error % rate, recommended for testing or development. Parameters used for training. python3 ../DeepSpeech.py \ --train_files ./clips/train.csv \ --test_files ./clips/test.csv \ --dev_files ./clips/dev.csv \ --train_batch_size 80 \ --dev_batch_size 80 \ --test_batch_size 40 \ --n_hidden 2048 \ --epoch 1 \ --validation_step 1 \ --early_stop True \ --earlystop_nsteps 6 \ --estop_mean_thresh 0.1 \ --estop_std_thresh 0.1 \ --dropout_rate 0.22 \ --learning_rate 0.00095 \ --report_count 100 \ --use_seq_length False \ --export_dir "export" \ --checkpoint_dir "checkpoint" \ --decoder_library_path ./bin/libdeepspeech.so \ --alphabet_config_path ./alphabet.txt \ --lm_binary_path ./lm.binary \ --lm_trie_path ./trie
[No longer maintained] M-AILABS Spanish Corpus / Tensorflow / DeepSpeech.