
Cakefest 2015 contents

MIT LicenseMIT


###Setting up a minimal development environment

####Using Microsoft Azure VM

  • login to https://manage.windowsazure.com
  • spawn a new virtual machine using New > Compute > Virtual Machine > From Gallery
  • next, pick ubuntu 14.04
  • next, pick a name, and check "select a password", type a username and password (and remember the password to be used later)
  • next, select West or North Europe region, Add 1 Endpoint > add a new one HTTP public: 80 private: 8080
  • next, OK and wait
  • ssh to the virtual machine, use either the public IP or the name-of-the-vm.cloudapp.net : use the username and password provided
  • curl -L https://gist.githubusercontent.com/steinkel/ad4101bbef37ac537001/raw/b0b3f821ba1831216374102ff4d820f12a0fc48c/init.sh |bash
  • start CakePHP server using bin/cake server -p 8080 -H azure-private-ip-address
  • point your browser to name-of-the-vm.cloudapp.net

####Using Vagrant

###Database schema