

Primary LanguagePython






  • 支持AI以图生文,通过用户上传的风景图片自动生成描述文字,还可以根据用户的意愿进行细粒度微调。
  • waited for adding ...





pip install your-package



python manage.py runserver



  • Django (Python)
  • Mysql (ORM)
  • Nginx
  • Torch



  • Description

    • This API is used generate verification code and send to the user's email.
    • The verification code applies to both register-time email verification and password reset.
    • Note that a generated code is validated within 5 minutes, and can be used only once.
    • Each email can request the verification code once a minute, if a new code is request, the older code will expire immediately even if it is generated with 5 minutes.
  • Request

    • HTTP GET - Stateless, token is not required
  • Respond

    • HTTP 403 - Request restricted, this is because you request the code too frequently (at most once a minute).
    • HTTP 200 - Success, the code has been sent to the designated email
  • Query Params


  • Description

    • This API is used to register a new account by a new email.
  • Request

    • HTTP POST - Stateless, token is not required
  • Respond

    • HTTP 200 - the emai has been registered successfully.
    • HTTP 301 - the email had been registered.


  • Description

    • This API is used to reset the certain account's password.
    • PS: You need the verification code sent from our backend in 5 mins.
  • Request

    • HTTP POST - Stateless, token is not required.
  • Respond

    • HTTP 200 - Successfully reset the password.
    • HTTP 404 - Fail to change a non-existent account's password.
  • Body example


  • Description

    • using username(regard it as emai) and password to login
  • Bodyform-data


  • Description

    • Use fresh token to update the token when access token is expired
  • Bodyform-data

    • refresh:eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImV4cCI6MTY5NjIyMzMyMiwiaWF0IjoxNjk0OTI3MzIyLCJqdGkiOiI5YzI0ODNlYWFiNmY0NzIzODllMDU1MTY3NGIzN2ZmZCIsInVzZXJfaWQiOjEsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibmFpZnUyOTcifQ.YhChhg6C801G10-vHDHjK8n03xeDAMBAVaHpvGwS-mE

get user info(获取用户信息)

  • Description

    • This API is used to get a user's information.
  • Request

    • HTTP GET - Stateful, token is required
  • Respond

    • JsonResponse - Sucessfully get the user's information in the database.
    • HTTP 404 - Fail to get the user's information according to the given uid.
  • AuthorizationBearer Token

    • Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImV4cCI6MTY5NjIyMzMyMiwiaWF0IjoxNjk0OTI3MzIyLCJqdGkiOiI5YzI0ODNlYWFiNmY0NzIzODllMDU1MTY3NGIzN2ZmZCIsInVzZXJfaWQiOjEsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoibmFpZnUyOTcifQ.YhChhg6C801G10-vHDHjK8n03xeDAMBAVaHpvGwS-mE
  • Query Params

    • uid:1

set user info(设置用户信息)

  • Description

    • This API is used to set a existing post.
  • Request

    • HTTP POST - Stateful, token is required Respond.
    • HTTP 200 - Success, the post has been updated.
    • HTTP 404 - the post doesn't exist in the database.
  • AuthorizationBearer Token

    • Token:


  • Bodyform-data

    • post_id: 1
    • user: zhangi_hu@foxmail.com
    • title: ssfd
    • content: 6666666666666666666666666666
    • time: 20:10:01
    • local: Vanculvar

push post info(上传帖子)

  • Description

    • This API is used to upload a new post
  • Request

    • HTTP POST - Stateful, token is required
  • Respond

    • HTTP 200 - Success, the post has been stored in the database.
  • AuthorizationBearer Token

    • Token:


  • Bodyform-data

    • uid: 1
    • title: title
    • content: content
    • location: China
    • time: 20:10:10

Get post info(获得帖子信息)

  • Description

    • This API is used to delete existing posts based on the post_id.
  • Request

    • HTTP GET - Stateless, token is not required
  • Respond

    • HTTP 404 - Request not found, you have failed to find the post you want because it doesn't exist in the database.
    • JsonResponse - Success, the post has been found, return the post data.
  • Query Params

    • post_id: 1

delete post info(删除帖子)

  • Description

    • This API is used to delete existing posts based on the post_id.
  • Request

    • HTTP DELETE - Stateful, token is required
  • Respond

    • HTTP 404 - Request not found, this is because you cannot delete a non-existent POST.

    • HTTP 200 - Success, the post has been delete from the database.

  • AuthorizationBearer Token

    • Token:
  • Bodyform-data

    • post_id: 1


  • Description

    • This API is used to call the Baidu LLM interface to get introductory text based on a user-submitted object to be described (a location, landscape, or architectural term).
  • Request

    • HTTP GET - Stateful, token is required
  • Respond

    • HTTP 500 - Request not found.

    • JsonResoponse - return the output from LLM sucessfully.

  • AuthorizationBearer Token

    • Token:
  • Query Params

    • chat_info: 斯坦福大学

push img(上传图片)

  • Description
    • This API is used to push a new img to the database.

Noticing that your img must be bound to a existing post.

  • Request

    • HTTP POST - Stateful, token is required
  • Respond

    • HTTP 404 - Request not found, this is because you don't bind the img to a existing post.
    • HTTP 200 - Success, the code has been sent to the designated email
  • AuthorizationBearer Token

    • Token:
  • Bodyform-data

    • post_id: 1

    • file_name: ACGN

    • time: 20:10:2

    • image: path of picture

delete img

  • Description

    • This API is used to delete a existing img from the database by it's id.

    • Notice that you cannot delete a img that doesn't exist in the database.

  • Request

    • HTTP DELETE - Stateful, token is required
  • Respond

    • HTTP 404 - Request not found, this is because you request deleting a img doesn't exist in the database.

    • HTTP 200 - Success, the code has been sent to the designated email

  • AuthorizationBearer Token

    • Token:

    • Bodyform-data

    • img_id: 1



  1. 克隆项目 (git clone https://github.com/yourusername/your-project.git)
  2. 创建一个新的分支 (git checkout -b feature/awesome-feature)
  3. 提交你的更改 (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  4. 推送到分支 (git push origin feature/awesome-feature)
  5. 提交一个合并请求




ho n to ni a ri ga do ko sa i ma su !!!

