
Repository Consisting of analysis scripts

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

This repository consists of analysis scripts to reproduce the publication on LOBSTER database


Workflow initialization

The following version numbers are used for the workflows:

Workflow.ipynb includes script to start all LOBSTER computations with pymatgen, fireworks, and atomate.

Data generation and reuse

  • Use the Data_generation/requirements.txt to create conda environment with necessary packages

  • The Lobster_lightweight_json_generation.ipynb script will generate light weight lobster jsons that consists of lobsterpy summarzied bonding information, relevant strongest bonds, madelung energies of the structures and atomic charges (refer Table 1 and 2 of the manuscript for the description).

  • The Computational_data_generation.ipynb script stores all the relevant LOBSTER computation files in the form of JSON using pydantic schema as implemented for atomate2 (refer Table 3 of the manuscript for the description).

    Reuse / Read data records

    • Example_data/Lightweight_jsons/ -- path to sample LOBSTER Lightweight JSONS files
    • Example_data/Computational_data_jsons/ -- path to sample Computational JSON files
    • All 1520 LOBSTER Lightweight JSONS / Computational data JSONS can be download here :
    • Use the Read_data_records/requirements.txt to create conda environment with necessary packages
    • Read_lobsterpy_data.ipynb This script will read LobsterPy summarized bonding information JSON files as python dictionary (refer Table 1 of the manuscript for the description).
    • Read_lobsterschema_data.ipynb This script will read LobsterSchema data as pymatgen objects and consists of all the relevant LOBSTER computation data in the form of python dictionary (refer Table 2 of the manuscript for the description).

Validating the results

  • LobsterPy 0.2.9

  • atomate2 - Install it using pip install git+https://github.com/materialsproject/atomate2.git@fa603e3cb4c3024b9b12b0d752793a9191d99f8a

  • dash 2.8.1

  • seaborn 0.12.2

  • plotly 5.10.0

  • pymatviz 0.5.1

  • pymatgen 2023.6.23

    Technical validation

    • Download all the computational data files from following repository links:
      • Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
      • Make a directory named Results to extract all the tar files.
      • For example , extract Part1.tar file, using following command tar -xf Part1.tar -C ./Results/
      • Repeat the command above to extract all the 8 tar files to Results directory.
      • This should result in 1520 directories inside Results. Each sub directory will be named as mp-xxx and it denotes the Materials Project ID of the compound.
    • You can then use the scripts provided to reproduce our technical validation section results.

    Charge spilling

    • Charge_spilling_lobster.ipynb will produce the dataframe with charge spillings for entire dataset and also create the histograms (as in the manuscript).
    • Charge_spilling_data.pkl consists of presaved data from Charge_spilling_lobster.ipynb script run (load this to get plots on the go).

    Band overlaps

    • Band_overlaps.ipynb will produce the dataframe with devaitons from bandOverlaps.lobster for entire dataset.
    • Band_overlaps_data.pkl consists of presaved data from Band_overlaps.ipynb script run (load this to get results on the go).

    DOS comparisons

    • Get_plots_band_features_tanimoto.ipynb will produce all the PDOS benchmarking data, save pandas dataframes as pickle and also save the all the plots
    • lsolobdos.pkl and lobdos.pkl consists of all the data necessary to reproduce the plots (as shown in Fig 4, 5, 6, 7)
    • Save_pdos_plot_and_data.ipynb will save the PDOS comparison plots.
    • Interactive visualization of PDOS benchmark plots
      1. Download the dash app and its data from 10.5281/zenodo.7795903
      2. Run the Band_features.py script to get dash app to explore all the s, p, d band feature plots (Checkout -h options)
      3. Run the Check_fingerprints.py script to get dash app to visualize all the s, p, d fingerprint plots (Checkout -h options)s

    Charge and coordination comp

    • BVA_Charge_comparisons.ipynb will produce the results of charge comparison analysis and also corresponding plots (as shown in Fig 8, 9)
    • Charge_comp_data.pkl contains saved to charge comparison
    • Coordination_comparisons_BVA.ipynb will produce the results of coordination environments comparisons
    • Coordination_comp_data_bva.pkl contains saved to coordination environments comparisons

    Data overview

    • Data_topology.ipynb this script will extract and store the data necessary for Fig 10.
    • Lobster_dataoverview.pkl contains presaved data ready to be used for generating Fig 10.

    ML model

    • Create conda environment with python 3.8 use conda create -n ML_model python==3.8
    • Activate the newly created ML_model environment and install matbench v0.6 using pip install matbench==0.6 (Need to do this to deal with automatminer package dependencies conflicts)
    • Then use the ML_model/requirements.txt to install all the necessary packages
    • mpids.csv File contains list of material project ids and corresponding compositions
    • featurizer This python module is used to featurize lobster lightweight jsons to use ICOHP data as features for ML model
    • Featurize_lobsterpy_jsons.ipynb This script will generate lobster features via featurizer module save it as using the featurizer module lobsterpy_featurized_data.csv
    • ML_data_with_automatminer.ipynb This script uses automatminer featurizer to extract matminer features based on composition and structure and creates data ready to be used for ML model training (also adds lobter summary stats data as features)- dataforml_automatminer.pkl
    • ml_utilities.py This module contains utility functions used for training and evaluating random forest (RF) regressor models.
    • RF_model.ipynb This script will train and evaluate 2 RF regressor models using nested CV approach. (Including and exclusing LOBSTER features)
    • Automatminer_rf_ml_model.ipynb This script will train and evaluate RF regression models using automatminer Matpipe (Used to compare matbench RF model).
    • exc_icohp This directory containts model cross validation evaluation result plot and feature importance plots
    • exc_icohp/summary_stats.csv This file containts summarized stats of model trained and evaluated using RF_model.ipynb script. (Excluding LOBSTER features)
    • inc_icohp This directory containts model cross validation evaluation result plot and feature importance plots
    • inc_icohp/summary_stats.csv This file containts summarized stats of model trained and evaluated using RF_model.ipynb script. (Including LOBSTER features)
    • Plot_summary_results.ipynb This scripts reads the summary_stats.csv of the RF model and visualizes data from Table 7.