
Terraform module to deploy httpd on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

Primary LanguageHCLUniversal Permissive License v1.0UPL-1.0


These are Terraform modules that deploy httpd on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).


The Apache Http Server Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Module installs a Terraform-based Apache Http server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). An apache http server module typically involves installing three http servers on different availablity domains with load balancer.


  1. See the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Terraform Provider docs for information about setting up and using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Terraform Provider.
  2. An existing VCN with subnets(private and public). The public subnets need internet access in order to download required dependent packages for Apache Http server installations.

Apache Http Server architecture

What's a Module?

A module is a canonical, reusablem definition for how to run a single piece of infrastructure, such as a database or server cluster. Each module is created using Terraform, and includes automated tests, examples, and documentation. It is maintained both by the open source community and companies that provide commercial support.

Instead of figuring out the details of how to run a piece of infrastructure from scratch, you can reuse existing code that has been proven in production. And instead of maintaining all that infrastructure code yourself, you can leverage the work of the module community to pick up infrastructure improvements through a version number bump.

How to use this Module

Each Module has the following folder structure:

  • root: Contains a root module which calls bastion, apache_http and load_balancer sub-modules respectively to create a Apache Http server with load balancer in OCI.
  • modules: Contains the reusable code for this module, broken down into one or more modules.
  • examples: Contains examples of how to use the modules.

The following code shows how to deploy Apache HTTP servers using this module:

module "apache_http" {
  source              = "git::ssh://git@bitbucket.aka.lgl.grungy.us:7999/tfs/terraform-oci-apache-http.git?ref=dev"
  availability_domain   = "${var.availabillity_domain}"
  compartment_ocid      = "${var.compartment_ocid}"
  display_name          = "${var.display_name}"
  image_id              = "${var.image_id}"
  shape                 = "${var.shape}"
  label_prefix          = "_1"
  subnet_id             = "${var.subnet_id}"
  http_port             = "${var.http_port}"
  https_port            = "${var.https_port}"
  enable_https          = "${var.enable_https}"
  create_selfsigned_cert= "${var.create_selfsigned_cert}"
  cn_name               = "${var.cn_name}"
  ca_cert               = "${var.apache_server_ca_certificate}"
  pub_cert              = "${var.apache_server_public_certificate}"
  priv_key              = "${var.apache_server_private_key}"
  ssh_public_key_file   = "${var.ssh_public_key_file}"
  ssh_private_key_file  = "${var.ssh_private_key_file}"
  scripts               = "${var.scripts}"
  bastion_host          = "${var.bastion.public_ip}"
  bastion_user          = "${var.bastion_user}"
  bastion_private_key   = "${var.bastion_private_key_file}"
Argument Description
availability_domain Availability domain for the http server instance to be created.
compartment_ocid OCID of the compartment where VCN will be created.
ssh_authorized_keys Public SSH keys path to be included in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for the default user on the instance.
ssh_private_key Private key path to access the instance.
label_prefix Used to create unique identifiers to differentiate multiple clusters in a compartment.
subnet_id OCID of the master subnet in which to create the VNIC.
display_name Name of the Http server instance.
image_id OCID of an image for an instance to use. For more information, see Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: Images.
shape Shape to be used on the master instance.
http_port Port for HTTP traffic.
enable_https Enable HTTPs in the backend Apache HTTP server.
https_port Port for HTTPs traffic.
create_selfsigned_cert Mention True to create selfsigned certificate else mention false.
cn_name Common Name to be used during tls certificate creation.
ca_cert CA Certificate to be used in backend Apache HTTP server.
pub_cert Public Certificate to be used in backend Apache HTTP server.
priv_key Private Key to be used in backend Apache HTTP server.

Possible combinations of Apache HTTP server configuration:

  1. HTTP only

Required variables declaration:

  • enable_https | false

Below variables need not be populated with values.

  • https_port
  • create_selfsigned_cert
  • cn_name
  • ca_cert
  • pub_cert
  • priv_key

  1. HTTPs with self-signed certificate

Required variables declaration:

  • enable_https | true
  • https_port | if not defined, default port will be configured.
  • create_selfsigned_cert | true

Below variables need not be populated with values.

  • cn_name
  • ca_cert
  • pub_cert
  • priv_key

  1. HTTPs with user defined ca_certificate

Required variables declaration:

  • enable_https | true
  • https_port | if not defined, default port will be configured.
  • create_selfsigned_cert | false
  • cn_name | Common Name to be used during tls certificate creation.
  • ca_cert | CA Certificate to be used in backend Apache HTTP server.
  • pub_cert | Public Certificate to be used in backend Apache HTTP server.
  • priv_key| Private Key to be used in backend Apache HTTP server.