Backend Coding Test

Test 1

  • Fork and clone this project locally then begin the test in the repo.
  • Develop a backend system using the NestJS and Serverless framework that will be deployed on AWS Lambda following the serverless architecture and the microservice principles of NestJS. The database used will be PostgreSQL and interactions with the DB will be through TypeORM.
  • The backend should provide services that will allow the creation of a user profile on sign up that consist of name and date of birth which would authenticate with firebase authentication using the firebase admin library. Profile data should be stored on a PostgreSQL instance.
  • Setup a middleware that validates firebase auth token for each request.
  • Setup all other middleware that would commonly be used.
  • Create a blog service that allows the creation and management of blog articles which will be stored both on the PostgreSQL instance and on a Firebase firestore instance. All api routes of the blog service should be protected and only accessible through the admin role.
  • A public api route should be provided that returns a paginated list of blog articles.
  • Develop a CRON Job that will run once a day and will add a random word to the end of each blog title.
  • Deploy all work as instructed.

Extra Points

  • Generate an OpenAPI documentation for all routes

Good Job!

After completing the coding test, please provide the details listed below:

  • API route links and Open API documentation
  • Public github link for all test completed
  • Any other information required to run and access the project such as environment keys (.env) and admin login

Learn More

To learn more about some of the technologies used, take a look at the following resources: