
COVID 19 Social Science Research Tracker

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COVID-19 International Social Science Research Tracker


Social scientists have an important role to serve society during a pandemic. We can do this much better through cooperation. This resource is designed to help us track new social research about COVID 19, including published findings, pre-prints, projects underway, and projects that are at least at a solid proposal stage.

If you share the tracker online, please link to this github page, so we have resilience/redundancy in the case of any problems with Google Sheets.

If you have questions about this resource or want to discuss it with other social scientists, please use the issue discussion area in this repository.

How to Use the Spreadsheet

Adding New Entries

By using a Google Spreadsheet, we're able to collect a large number of contributions from many others. However, similar endeavors in the past week have gotten swamped and faced problems with accidental deletions and copy/paste errors. To minimize errors of this kind, we ask you to:

  • Prepare Before adding to the spreadsheet, prepare your contributions in a separate document, after reading the fields below
  • Type Rather than copy/pasting large blocks of text into the spreadsheet, please type out your answers. It's okay to paste web links
  • Validate Review your answers to make sure they're accurate

Reviewing and Accessing the Spreadsheet

To review spreadsheet contents, please download the spreadsheet rather than reading/sorting/filtering online. This will help us minimize errors and prevent disruptions to other people's ability to concentrate. Thanks!

Responsibility to Update

Please, if you add an entry to this spreadsheet, we ask that you take responsibility to update the link as the status of your project changes. Thanks!

Fields in the Tracker:

For each project, please plan to enter:

  • Status: What is the project's current status?
    • Planning
    • In IRB Review
    • Data Collection
    • Analysis
    • Pre-Print
    • Under Peer Review
    • Published
    • Inactive (if the funding didn't come through, or IRB rejected the design, or you are no longer working on this, please update!)
  • Short Project Title
  • Last Updated (YYYY-MM-DD) <- please update this when you update it.
  • Lead Point of Contact (Name)
  • Lead POC Institution
  • Primary Research Question
  • Method(s)
  • Locations Studied
  • Anticipated Impact Category (these are based on the three-stage model of pandemic management)
    • During the prevention stage, the goal is to promote behaviors that minimize the spread of the pandemic
    • During the resilience stage, the goal is to help people manage and survive the risks of ongoing pandemic management
    • During the recovery stage, the goal is to support re-building and recovery from the pandemic
  • Other collaborators (name, institution)
  • Study Timing. When the study was or will be fielded. If you're not sure yet, leave this blank so we can sort.
  • Description of project (100 words max). Say more about how you are going about advancing your research goals.
  • Goals: beyond the specific research question, what do you hope this will achieve?
  • Outcome variables or findings: Tell us more about what kinds of things we learn from this research
  • Team/Lab link (valid URLs please)
  • Analysis Link (e.g. Jupyter Notebook, pre-analysis plan, code/data repository)
  • Pre-Print Link (valid URLs please)
  • Publication Link (valid URLs please)