
Primary LanguageJava

Seed Data Preparation

For initial test, we are creating 5 test doctors and 5 patient with 5 initial appointment for each.

Available API's

1. Appointments
    1.1 Create
        URL: http://localhost:8080/appointments
        Method: POST
                "dateOfAppointment": "2021-03-14T12:00:36",
                "doctor": {
                    "id": 4,
                    "firstName": "doctor-4",
                    "lastName": "lastname",
                    "email": "doctor-4.lastname@email.com",
                    "specialities": "General Practitioner"
                "patient": {
                    "id": 2,
                    "firstName": "patient-2",
                    "lastName": "lastname",
                    "email": "patient-2.lastname@email.com"
    1.2 All Appointments
        URL: http://localhost:8080/appointments
        Method: GET
    1.3 Doctors Appointment
        URL: http://localhost:8080/appointments/doctors/{doctorId}
            e.g http://localhost:8080/appointments/doctors/1
        Method: GET
    1.3 Patients Appointment
        URL: http://localhost:8080/appointments/patients/{patientId}
            e.g http://localhost:8080/appointments/patients/1
        Method: GET
2. Doctors
    2.1 All Doctors
        URL: http://localhost:8080/doctors
        Method: GET
    2.2 Create
        URL: http://localhost:8080/doctors
        Method: POST
                "firstName": "dr. rajiv",
                "lastName": "naim",
                "email": "rajiv.naim@email.com",
                "specialities": "General Practitioner"
3. Patients
    2.1 All Patients
        URL: http://localhost:8080/patients
        Method: GET
    2.2 Create
        URL: http://localhost:8080/patients
        Method: POST
                "firstName": "patient100000",
                "lastName": "patientLastName",
                "email": "patient100000.patientLastName@email.com"

Assumption and Implementation

1. All appointments is last for 1 hour
2. Exception handly only done for AppointmentConflictException
    other excetion might requires to handle but skiped for now due to time constraint
3. Unit test and Integration test not covered because of time constraint
4. Seed Data will be creat automatically startup of the application and no data will persist 
    except this seed data after each shutdown of webserver