Brikl backend engineer assignment

Introducing the Alpha

Alpha is the new startup company we are developing a cutting edge task management system with modern technology.

You will be getting involved on this! We have setting up user service to manage user in our system but we still missing our core business logic which is the task management.


Task management

  • Create a new list
  • Create a new task in a list (the task should be prepended to the list and the status should indicate it has not been completed)
  • Update a list (title)
  • Update a task (title and status)
  • Delete a list
  • Delete a task
  • Move a task to a specific position in the list
  • Retrieve all lists and their tasks

Getting start


Make sure you have these tools installed

  • Docker
  • Node.js (14.0 or higher)
  • Node package manager, preferably pnpm


This is the instruction to setup this project and run in your local machine. Note that this instruction uses pnpm as a package manager. You may replace these commands corresponding to your package manager.

  1. Copy .env.example file and rename it to .env.
  2. Install dependencies.
  3. Run docker compose up -d to start docker containers in background.
  4. Run pnpm db:migrate to initiate database.
  5. Run pnpm codegen to generate TypeScript definition for GraphQL and Prisma client.
  6. Run pnpm start to start the project.
  7. Go to http://localhost:4000, you should see Apollo Playground with two queries users and user. You may change the port according to GATEWAY_PORT in your .env file.


If you're using pnpm

pnpm test