- This package contains two types of Burmese Keyboard, Unicode and ZawGyi-One.
- Type the following command one after another.
$ mm_kb=https://github.com/naingyeminn/mm-kb/archive/master.zip
$ wget $mm_kb 2> /dev/null || curl -OL $mm_kb
$ unzip master.zip
$ cd mm-kb-master
$ sudo apt install make ibus-table -y
$ sudo make install
$ ibus-daemon -rdx
$ im-config -n ibus
$ mmfs
One-line installation
bash <(wget -qO - http://tiny.cc/mm-kb-install 2> /dev/null || curl -L http://tiny.cc/mm-kb-install)
Now you can add the keyboard as follow.
Go to Settings > Region & Language
Click on "+" button and search Burmese input. You will see Burmese, Burmese (mm-smart), Burmese (mm-myanmar3), and Burmese (mm-zawgyi).
Burmese (mm-myanmar3), Burmese (mm-smart), and Burmese (mm-zawnicode) are for Unicode input and Burmese (mm-zawgyi) is for ZawGyi-One input. mm-zawnicode is the Unicode input with ZawGyi-One keyboard layout.
Now you can change keyboard layout by pressing (Super + Space) key.
Whatever you are using, Burmese (mm-myanmar3 / mm-smart / mm-zawnicode) or Burmese (mm-zawgyi), you can switch between Burmese and English input by a single press of Left Shift key.
Shan (shn-standard) and Shan (shn-panglong) inputs are also included and can be fond under Others input group using search.
After installation, your system font will be changed into ZawGyi-One. If you want to switch to Unicode fonts, search Myanmar Font Switcher by clicking the grid button at the bottom of the dash and run it. You can change the font you want in there.
$ cd mm-kb-master
$ sudo make uninstall
Naing Ye` Minn
website : http://naingyeminn.com
Thank you for your input and solution for Zawgyi Layout issue, Bro Kaung Mon Htay.