
Target variable prediction web app, with different supervised learning algorithms

Primary LanguagePython

ML Display Modeling

Open in Streamlit

Target variable prediction web app, with different supervised learning algorithms. The idea is to make a prediction of the target variable Display using as independent variables X1...X7, from the data provided in ./data

Project Demo



Data visualization

We want to plot data distributions to have better grasp of how our data features correlate.

Data Encoding

Machine learning models require all input and output variables to be numeric. This means that if our data contains categorical data, which it does, we must encode it to numbers before we can fit and evaluate our model.

Data Rescaling

The preprocessed data may contain attributes with a mixtures of scales for various quantities. Many machine learning methodsare more effective if the data attributes have the same scale. Two popular data scaling methods are normalization and standardization.

Defined models