TensorFlow Tutorials

这是 Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen 编写的 TensorFlow Tutorial 的中文版,原文链接点击这里


  • 这些教程适用于深度学习和TensorFlow的初学者。
  • 每个教程涵盖单个主题。
  • 教程提供了完整的代码。
  • 视频教程可以访问 YouTube 或者关注公众号:coderpai。


  1. 简单线性模型 (Notebook)

  2. 卷积神经网络 (Notebook)

  3. Pretty Tensor (Notebook)

3-B. Layers API (Notebook)

  1. 保存和恢复模型 (Notebook)

  2. Ensemble Learning (Notebook)

  3. CIFAR-10 (Notebook)

  4. Inception Model (Notebook)

  5. Transfer Learning (Notebook)

  6. Video Data (Notebook)

  7. Not available yet. Please support this issue on GitHub so we can get it done!

  8. Adversarial Examples (Notebook)

  9. Adversarial Noise for MNIST (Notebook)

  10. Visual Analysis (Notebook)

  11. DeepDream (Notebook)

  12. Style Transfer (Notebook)

  13. Reinforcement Learning (Notebook)


视频教程可以访问 YouTube 或者关注公众号:coderpai。

License (MIT)

These tutorials and source-code are published under the MIT License which allows very broad use for both academic and commercial purposes.

A few of the images used for demonstration purposes may be under copyright. These images are included under the "fair usage" laws.

You are very welcome to modify these tutorials and use them in your own projects. Please keep a link to the original repository.