Docker Swarm Cluster for testing (built with Vagrant)

Fully configurable manager/workers docker swarm VMs setup, included is a portainer stack yml if needed deployment

Arch linux ;) based

How to use

  1. Install and configure Vagrant Vagrant docs
  2. cd into this directory cd ./vagrant-docker-swarm
  3. Edit Vagrantfile to tweak config (ex: cpu, memory, node count etc)
  4. run vagrant agent to standup the cluster vagrant up (might take some time ...)
  5. check cluster status once all is complete vagrant status
  6. SSH into any node by issuing command vagrant ssh [node name], if node name is omitted primary node will be used (manager node is the primary node)
  7. (OPTIONAL) deploy portainer to manage the cluster with a nice UI exposed at port 9000


How do I access the docker container running inside the VMs

This is done by making sure you have a port binding from container to host -p host:container and accessing the container on the defined network from the Vagrantfile (ip_mask)

How to deploy Portainer

Portainer will be deployed as a stack using the included docker compose yml with steps below

  • SSH into the manager node vagrant ssh manager-1
  • navigate to host shared folder cd /vagrant
  • deploy stack from file docker stack deploy --compose-file=portainer-agent-stack.yml portainer