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GroupedListView renders a list view that groups items with a generic and easy-to-use api. Allows for inserting widgets before and after the list view.


Name Description Required Default value
items Items that will be rendered by itemBuilder required -
itemBuilder Called when building an item. required -
groupHeaderBuilder Called when building the header of a group. required -
mapToGroup This function maps an item to its group. It is called for each item. When the group is equal for two items, they belong in the same group. required -
itemComparator Optional: Needed if needsSorting is true and Item type is not a Comparable. no -
groupComparator Optional: Needed if Group type is not a Comparable. no -
needsSorting Sort the provided items or not. If the items list is modified frequently, but keeps sorting (filtered for search for example) then it's better to pass items already sorted and set needsSorting to false to avoid unnecessary sorts which decrease performance. no true
preceedingWidgets Optional. List of widgets to insert before the grouped list view no -
succeedingWidgets Optional. List of widgets to insert after the grouped list view no -


  • GroupedListView's implementation one file that lives inside the main app package. It could be package that's then imported to the main app.
  • I used flutter_hooks, a great package that brings hooks to flutter like they are in React, and it allows for much cleaner code and reusability.
  • GroupedListView extends a HookWidget that uses a useState and a useEffect in case needsSorting is true, otherwise it behaves like a plain StatelessWidget.
  • If needsSorting is kept true then whenever items parameter changes the component will sort it. This can be a performance issue as described above.
  • It uses CustomScrollView and Slivers to combine the large items list and the optional preceeding and succeeding widget lists.
  • There is no preprocessing of the items list, meaning there is no itermediary list that combines group headers and items. The list is generated on-the-fly with a trick: in reality what's rendered is a list twice as large as items, where for even indices either a group header is built or a zero sized SizedBox.shrink depending on whether there is a difference between the current and previous item's group, and for odd indices the actual item's builder is called.


  • I created a dataset of 5000 names and avatar urls. By default a sublist of 50 contacts is used. The large list can be tested by uncommenting home_page.dart#L18
  • Using Material components I made a HomePage that uses stock ListTiles, TextField and IconButton.
  • It is also a HookWidget:
    • it uses a useEffect to sort the large (or small) list of contacts instead of letting GroupedListView sort it.
    • it uses useState, useFocusNode, useTextEditingController and useEffect to implement an interactive search. When the TextField in AppBar is focused then searchIsActive is true and the additional button widgets aren't provided to GroupedListView and the list is filtered with the value of the search text controller.
  • When the value of the text field is changed then the list is filtered, but not sorted again, hence keeping good performance.
  • A cancel button is added to the appbar in active search that clears the text, unfocuses and deactives search.

Further work

  • Implementing a scrollToIndex api would be interesting
  • Adding a draggable scrollbar would improve UX greatly, like https://pub.dev/packages/draggable_scrollbar
  • In https://capsulechat.com/ I have implemented a similar component for listing messages and a group header for each new day. I've also used CustomScrollView but there is preprocessing to an intermediary list. Additionally I implemented a onReachingTop api using ScrollNotification that helps in pagination loading and also onFirstItemIndexChanged which returns the index of the items that's currently visible on the top of the scrollview's viewport. This helps in showing a fixed floating header of the current day 👍. It uses findRenderObject and localToGlobal apis.

About scrollToIndex api

  • In short a scrollToIndex api for Flutter's ListView isn't possible because the height of each list items isn't known before actually rendering them. Since ListView's good performance comes from not rendering items that aren't visible, it won't know the height of all items.
  • This was actually a long conversation in this issue: flutter/flutter#12319. The community missed this feature as it was present in Android and iOS Swift. The request wasn't implemented into ListView because the pixel based api conflicts with the index based api.
  • Workarounds:
    • If the height of the items is known (for example in a contacts list, where each ListTile has a fixed height) we could use ListView's (ScrollableController's) jumpTo(pixelOffset) or animateTo(pixelOffset) methods, as such: https://stackoverflow.com/a/58435822/6585695
    • If the height is not fixed, then ListView's scrollController won't work. In that case one of the provided soltions to the issue above will work, such as
    • https://pub.dev/packages/indexed_list_view or https://pub.dev/packages/scrollable_positioned_list. Both of these use rendering tricks. ScrollablePositionedList exposes a itemScrollController which has jumpTo(index) and scrollTo(index) methods. Looking at the implementation we can see that jumpTo simply renders the items near that index while scrollTo also uses a secondary Sliver list.