
Optimisation : Simulated Annealing

Primary LanguageC++

Tetravex Solver


Generate a random solvable tetravex and try to solve it.

  • Method : Simulated annealing
    • Initial Temp: end of uniform distribution
  • Sampler : Metropolis-Hastings
    • Improvement: Swap 2 random axis since each axe has one value


  • Compiling: make
  • Execution: ./solver.out [-w width -h height -l lambda -Tmin temperature -Tmax temperature -m max_iter -f input_file -v]
  • Help: ./solver.out --help

File Format:

  • Piece: ####
  • Order: North East South West
  • Piece Seperator: ' '
  • Example: 5948 1599 4617 6049 4820 9185 9666 1901 8346

File content must match width and height arguments, an error will be generated otherwise.