
touchscreen focaltech orangepi

Primary LanguageC


I used the capacitive touchscreen from an old tablet (odys space )

since the first time I installed the touchscreen:

  • I compiled a new kernel 4.14.84-sunxi (specify drivers/input/touchscreen)
  • the touchscreen driver has changed as wel : edt-ft5x06
  • instead of the fex-file, now device tree overlays are used

one can generate : armbian-add-overlay i2c-edt-ft5x06.dts (here is described how the screen is connected to the GPIO)

and armbianEnv.txt (under boot) gets adapted automatically

(in armianEnv.txt one needs to enable the i2c0 overlay as well : example included)

adapt 40-libinput.conf (see example)

#howto use armbian to compile kernel modules

it only works on ubuntu bionic 18.04 x64 (I installed it on google cloud)

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/armbian/build cd build ./compile.sh

this process generates a kernel, with updates, modules etc ....

it packs it into deb packages in the output/debs directory you can install this on your armbian-device

in order to avoid a recompilation of everything :

under the build/cache/sources/linux-mainline-linux-4xxxy is the kernel source

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- modules SUBDIRS=drivers/input/touchscreen (I only want the focaltech touchscreen driver)

eventually I copied the driver from the linus torvalts directory (updated jan 2018)

----this was applicable on the previous kernel module (it flashed new firmware to touchscreen)

I installed firmware on the touchscreen : (using version 3 kernel module)

wget http://www.freak-tab.de/finless/ft5x_firmware.zip

get the linux kernel sourcecode

copy drivers/input/touchscreen/ft5x/ft_app.h drivers/input/touchscreen/ft5x/ft_app.h-orig

hexdump -v -e '1/1 "0x%.2x,"' ft5406-sc3052-1024X768.bin > /usr/src/h3-wip/drivers/input/touchscreen/ft5x/ft_app.h

then compile and install the module ft5x_ts.ko