
Website that facilitates bus subscription,

Primary LanguageHTML

Project description

The goal is to build a bus website that offers an online subscribation and payment.

How to Install and Run the Project

About data base

  1. Install Xampp from your browser
  2. open file and go to >Xampp control and activate Apache and Mysql
  3. Tape in your browser >localhost/phpmyadmin
  4. Go to >Nouvelle base de donne and create a database
  5. Copy code from >sqlfile and paste it in SQL then execute

About website ##For Windows##

  1. create a folder for example 'bus project' in >htdocs
  2. Open folder in your texteditor, Pesonnaly l prefer VSCode
  3. create files in VsCode with .php and .html extensions then copy code from github and paste it in those files, save them in the folder created
  4. go to your browser and tape >localhost/bus project/login.html
  5. if you aren't a member, create an account


Project is created with: PHP , HTML, CSS