Football School

This is the live link of the project that I have created for the assignment i have given ""

What is used in this Project:

In this project i have used several things. Explantion of these things have given below:

--- React

--- Css

--- JS

React was the main base of this project and in the middle I had to use CSS and JS to give it a proper dynamic look. Other than that I have used some other thing, which are:

---React Bootstrap

---React Router

So, these are the things I had to use in this project.

What is this website for?

I. This Website is to help the dream boys and their parents to find out the best and safe football academy for their kids to play and practice on.

II. Even though a person doesn't become a professional footballer, they still should play it because it will help to have better lifestyle so people who are looking for places to play their game could find it too.

III. Football is a beautiful and healthy game for all aged people. It brings so much together even after Ivery Coast Qualified for World Cup 2010, Didier Drogba and his teammates got in front of their knee and asked to stop the civil war that had been going on. Surprisingly it stopped and the peace came together. This is the power of football and by this website we hope to bring more kids into it.